Primary Life Chart


                        Numerology Delineation For
                            Triết Minh Nguyễn


                             LIFE CHART SUMMARY
                     ABOUT YOUR LIFE PURPOSE (DESTINY)

  First Name                        Triết     9
  This name indicates a strong desire to serve, support, instruct, coach,
  heal, or contribute to world peace.

  Middle Name                        Minh     8
  This name gives you ability to attain professional status in business,
  law, science, engineering, writing, or sports.

  Last Name                        Nguyễn     5
  This name indicates a strong ability to find new ideas and
  opportunities, have a variety of careers, and rebound.

  Destiny                                  22/4
  Your Master Destiny encourages you to overcome many challenges, to be a
  self-sufficient, dedicated Practical Visionary and Advocate for Social
  Reform. KEY: Build a network of socially-minded people.  CAREERS: Law
  reform; welfare; women's health; organic food; yoga; public projects;
  education; investing; numerology; body work; administration; real
  estate; building; manufacturing; transportation.

  Heart's Desire                           22/4
  To be happy you need to be making effective, transforming changes in
  problems or old methods.  You don't mind working hard, and love to see
  results. You are happiest working with like-minded people. Your ideal
  mate shares your values, helps you stay balanced, increases your social
  life, and generally adores you.

  Personality                                 9

  People see you as open-minded, dramatic, passionate, artistic,
  intuitive, and generous.  You impress others by sharing spiritual and
  healing insights. Under stress-you can be vague, impulsive, critical,

  Habit Challenge                             6

  Your daily lessons involve family ties, teaching, and helping others
  achieve goals.  You may vacillate between giving too much and then
  feeling burnt out or resentful.  You truly enjoy helping others, but can
  feel overburdened or anxious about outcomes.  Your challenge is to give
  and receive equally.

  KARMIC LESSON(S)                            1

  Your lesson is to develop your mind, stand up for yourself, and 
  be a balanced, honest leader. You may be brilliant or unique. 
  Your karma is released by becoming independent; accepting
  well-deserved recognition.

  KARMIC LESSON(S)                            6

  Your lessons involve family ties, teaching, and helping others achieve
  goals.  You may be married more than once, or choose not to marry. Karma
  is resolved as you learn to live and let live and release guilt!

                     YOUR BIRTH DATE (BIRTHPATH) SHOWS

  Day of Birth                                9

  You are here to help serve and heal humanity. No matter how mundane your
  job, it is always essential to the whole.  You succeed in lines of work
  that involve social betterment, drama, teaching, philanthropy, and
  travel. Your ideal partner is practical, can spot a phony, can handle
  your loose sense of time, and respects your vision and values.

  Birthpath                                   8
  You must be businesslike, productive, strong, fair-minded, logical, a
  good judge of character, and smart with money, wherever your Destiny
  Number places you.  KEY: Keep work/life balance.  CAREERS: executive;
  medicine; law; publishing; engineering; financial investing; criminal
  justice; politics; real estate development. AVOID: being judgmental,
  over-ambitious, unforgiving, or closed to untried ideas. An ideal mate
  is good looking, has wealth and social contacts, and copes well alone at
  home or at business functions.

  Realization                                 3
  By the end of your life you are likely to have great satisfaction in
  friendships, love, and helping others achieve goals. You will have
  learned much about making dreams come true, being with children, being
  optimistic, and creating a worthwhile life. You will be known for your
  creativity and sense of humor.

                           BALANCE OF TEMPERAMENT
                        How you live in daily life:

  Physically                                  6

  You love to care for your friends, cook and eat, and create beauty

  Mentally                                    1
  You excel in writing, inventing, designing, brainstorming, and using new

  Emotionally                                 3

  You mask deep feelings with humor or avoidance, but are very fun to be

  Spiritually                                 5

  A rebel, you seek your own form of worship, perhaps in nature, or in
  forms of celebration.

                             TRANSITION PERIODS
             Situations you encounter and what you must develop.

  FIRST PINNACLE (from Birth to age 28)       1
  Emphasis on self-sufficiency, confidence, leadership, inventions,
  writing, or business ownership.

  FIRST CHALLENGE (from Birth to age 28)      8
  You are learning to respect your own judgment, have work/life balance,
  heal money problems.

  SECOND PINNACLE (from 29 to age 37)      16/7
  Emphasis on spiritual healing of abandonment issues, inner
  self-confidence, personal creativity.

  SECOND CHALLENGE (from 29 to age 37)        2
  You are learning to maintain balance and boundaries in relationship; use
  both patience and honesty.

  THIRD PINNACLE (from 38 to age 46)          8
  Emphasis on achievement, status, business acumen, buying/selling real
  estate, sports, publishing.

  THIRD CHALLENGE (from 38 to age 46)         6
  You are learning how to love without blame, guilt, or resentment; to
  nurture yourself as well as others.

  FOURTH PINNACLE (from 47 to end of life)    8
  Emphasis on achievement, status, business acumen, buying/selling real
  estate, sports, publishing.

  FOURTH CHALLENGE (from 47 to end of life)   6
  You are learning how to love without blame, guilt, or resentment; to
  nurture yourself as well as others.

                               PERSONAL YEAR

  Personal Year 2014                          8
  This is the year to work smarter, and get paid what you are worth.
  Review your finances; talk to an expert; get more credentials; or expand
  your business by October.  Ask for a raise or accept new responsibility.
  If unemployed start a business in your garage or find the right job.
  AVOID.  Regrets about past money deals; spending more than you can
  afford; trying to impress others; judging others unfairly. Action
  Months: January, February, June, October, November.


  WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE, Triết Nguyễn! 

  Your Life Chart is based on the ancient system of Pythagorean
  numerology. Pythagoras, who lived about 600 B.C. in the
  Mediterranean, taught that the Universe is ordered by numbers. This
  chart is a blueprint of what your Soul has in mind for this
  lifetime-complete with a list of your strengths, predominate character
  traits, blind spots, lessons, and indicators of major transitions.
  Each lifetime has its own purpose, although it isn't as easy to
  understand as just finding the right job title. You would not have
  been born unless you had a purpose to fulfill. Your Soul selected
  your parents, race, body type, birth location, and early environment
  in order to set the stage for your life's lessons. Other Souls have
  agreed to show up and play a part in your Destiny.
  If you are trying to find a career that feels on purpose, look to what
  you love to do and what comes naturally and easily (perhaps described 
  by your Heart's Desire number). As you read about yourself, imagine
  that your Soul is communicating a sense of your higher
  purpose. Highlight ideas that really resonate. Jot down the date, so
  that in future readings, you can see how your perceptions have
  changed. Meditate on the descriptions that really speak to your
  There are many ways to analyze your name and birth date in order to
  get a well-rounded picture of who you are. It is not unusual to feel
  that you can't figure out your chart, or that there are contradictory
  descriptions. Don't get discouraged.
  those who know you well are able to recognize certain predominate
  characteristics in your nature (e.g., shy or social; quiet or
  assertive; scientific or artistic), different kinds of events will
  bring out different aspects of yourself.
  NEVER HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO DEVELOP. The numbers of your chart suggest
  your potential, but it's up to you to develop yourself.
  INFLUENCE OF OTHER NUMBERS. While the computer is great for
  calculating positions accurately, it has no ability to "weight" the
  various expressions of personality.
  Highlight those parts of the chart that resonate as true, and write
  them down on index cards to remind yourself of who you are-especially
  at times of important decisions (marriage or job change). Review your
  cards from time to time.
  Whenever you need inspiration, open your chart randomly and see what
  leaps off the page.
  If some information seems totally wrong or inconsistent, try to keep
  an open mind. For example, maybe events in the past precluded the
  development of these traits. Another possibility might be that you
  are not yet ready to accept this information. Reread the chart in six
  to nine months. Notice how the descriptions feel at that time.
  Make a check mark on those things that do NOT fit you. In your
  journal, write a heading that says, WHO I AM on one page, and list the
  ideas in your chart that you identify as true. Make another heading
  on another page that says, WHAT I DO NOT SEE ABOUT MYSELF. Under this
  heading, jot down those parts of the chart that do NOT seem like you
  at all. Just doing this exercise could reveal something useful at
  this time.
  Your chart contains a forecast about probable events during the
  current year, plus an overview of the entire life through the
  Pinnacles and Challenges. If you are making important decisions about
  moving, changing jobs, or getting married, use the monthly forecasts
  to help plan in alignment with the flow of your cycles. However,
  don't let the monthly descriptions override your experience and
  intuition. Look back after a month is over, and see how accurately
  actual events mirrored the description. This will help you confirm
  for yourself that you are in the flow!
  Don't read your forecasts too far into the future. Always keep your
  mind on what you want, not what you don't want. While your major
  characteristics are not going to change, you can update your monthly
  forecast for two years at a time by calling our office at (510)
  528-2226 or


  The Day of Birth       -- A strong character trait

  Birth Path             -- Your natural tendencies, abilities, and
                            attitude toward the world

  Destiny                -- The purpose, goal, and direction of your
                            life; what you will tackle and manifest

  Realization            -- Your ultimate achievement in life

  Heart's Desire         -- Your inner motivation and most cherished
                            values; what you choose to undertake

  Personality            -- How others perceive you

  Habit Challenge        -- Your blind spot; what you overdo or don't 
                            do enough of

  Karmic Lessons         -- Areas to develop; life magnetizes these 
                            experiences to you for growth

  Balance of Temperament -- How you express physically, mentally,
                            emotionally, and intuitively

  The Pinnacles          -- The four phases of your life describing
                            potential environment, people, and 

  The Challenges         -- Companions of the Pinnacles, the Challenges 
                            define lessons and liabilities you must 
  Personal Year          -- What you must accomplish during the course
                            of the year

  Personal Month         -- What to expect and what to do month by month

  In Case You Were Wondering...
  THE PRIMARY LIFE CHART is calculated from the original name given at
  birth, exactly as spelled on the birth certificate. It is ALWAYS in
  effect, because that is who you are even though you may not be using
  that name anymore.


  Your Day of Birth sets the tone of your personality-whether it is as 
  a leader, a good friend and listener, a teacher, an adventurer, or an
  executive in the world of business.

  If the following description of your Day of Birth does not seem to 
  fit you, it may be that other numbers in your name or birthday mask 
  the effects of this number.

  Triết, because you were born on the 9th, you can succeed in any
  artistic, healing, teaching, philanthropic, or musical line of
  work. You are idealistic and emotional. Life is serious for you and
  you feel such a need to be of service to the world that you have
  trouble making up your mind about which career to follow. You are
  very capable, but have some trouble concentrating on everyday
  details. You become absorbed in whatever interests you -- and you
  have many interests. You may have a metaphysical outlook toward
  world problems. You will find yourself involved with much group work
  throughout your middle years. You may travel extensively and your
  life will always be full of surprises. You may be drawn to
  transformational work through therapy.

                        BIRTH PATH - NATURAL SELF

        Who am I? What do I do best? What are my natural abilities?


  The Birthpath is the sum of all your birth date numbers.

  The Birthpath describes who you are--your natural tendencies,
  abilities, and attitude toward the world. It is the unchangeable
  aspect of your chart, and therefore denotes your basic and eternal
  Even though you may have the same Birthpath number as someone else,
  differences in the month, day and/or year will account for variations
  you may see between their abilities and attitudes and yours.


  reliable                         strict
  strong                           inflexible 
  professional                     workaholic
  executive                        blunt
  achiever                         avaricious
  decisive                         arrogant
  good judgment                    opinionated
  expert or authority              stubborn          
  ambitious                        grasping

  Your Eight Birthpath gives you a powerful ability to control
  circumstances and accomplish significant things in life. Your
  success comes from working for a goal. You excel at working through
  obstacles. You intuitively see the overall plan, know instinctively
  what is needed for implementation, and delegate tasks to those best
  suited to accomplish them.

  Your Birthpath puts you in the material world of accomplishment and
  gain. You are a troubleshooter; your methods are blunt, forceful,
  and to the point. Your concern is for truth and justice. An
  excellent judge of character, you correctly size people up at first
  glance, but may be unwilling to change your mind when events prove
  your judgment was off. With a natural talent for keeping things
  simple, you tend to see people objectively, not letting personal
  sentiment color your evaluation.

  Even at home, you run the house in an authoritative way. If you are
  female, you may have had parents who wanted a boy and so grew up
  with an unconscious need to prove your masculine side. Strong,
  assertive, and competitive, you enjoy being a decision-maker, and
  are adept at finding ways to get ahead in any situation. Attracted
  to power and stability, you gravitate towards organizations,
  institutions, corporations, or government. Your work builds tangible
  structures, involves big money, accounting, investments, or the
  professional development of a talent. Expect to be put into
  positions of leadership and management.

  In youth, you may have been known for great energy and sense of
  purpose (especially if you were born in January, August, or October.
  Regardless of the field you choose for a career, you will be given
  responsibility and will go as high as you can.


      What is my goal in life? What will I be most successful doing?
                 What is the best direction to take?
                What will be my major accomplishment?

  Your Destiny number describes what you have been born to accomplish.
  It shows the type of person you may become and the purpose you must
  fulfill. Your Destiny provides certain types of opportunities that
  will most likely lead you to success. It shows the kind of lifestyle
  or environment you will be drawn to. It outlines what talents you
  will need to accomplish your Soul's purpose.

  The full Destiny is the sum of all the values of the letters of your
  Birth Name. However, each name has its own sub-destiny (see the front
  sheet of your chart where you see one word opposite each name). Your
  first name gives you the most personal lessons; your middle name often
  contains hidden abilities you do not consciously try to develop (or
  ones you do not like); and your last name carries the characteristics
  shared by your whole family.


  What You Will Develop On This Path:

  Understanding of how consciousness creates reality from within
  Exceptional competency in one or more fields
  Leadership for a cause
  Inspired practical methods
  A strong network of like-minded people
  Active participation in a cause benefiting many

  With a Destiny of 22, Triết, you always make things happen. Your
  purpose is to work in the everyday, practical world using spiritual
  principles (do not mistake "spiritual" to mean "do-gooder" or
  "moral"). Twenty-two is a Master number, which means you may find more
  obstacles than the ordinary Four Destiny (to which your Twenty-two
  reduces). You have the ability to overcome these barriers and to be
  very, very successful. In a sense, what you do builds or helps to plan
  a new world.
  You are capable, efficient, and persevering. As a Four, you are
  likely to be a manager; as a Twenty-two, you are a leader. You have an
  inner stability and source of power you may not realize is there until
  you begin to encounter challenges.

  Your outlook on life combines understanding of human nature,
  intuition, faith, and daring with practical ability, competence, and
  know-how--an unbeatable combination. You frequently feel you are being


  You can be ultra-stubborn, slow, conventional, unwilling to take a
  risk. You could be unable to accept faults in others, may hold a
  grudge, be cold, and a workaholic. You may be argumentative, resentful
  of anyone else's authority. You may forget your spiritual side and
  become caught up in objects, not goals. You might be pessimistic,
  judging your lot in life to be much worse than others. It may be hard
  for you to see solutions to problems that involve some change on your


  You will find opportunities in any project involving the earth,
  building, constructing, transportation, large industries, film
  studios, government, franchises, and international concerns. You will
  probably work many kinds of jobs, gaining experience that will stand
  you in good stead when your big project comes around. Or, you may find
  yourself in a situation that demands many different facets of your
  experience at once and you will suddenly see what you have gained over
  the years.

  Other areas are mechanics, chemistry, mining, geology, biological
  research on genetic structures, real estate investments,
  manufacturing, any kind of large business, insurance, and financial

  People take you seriously and value your opinion. You become an
  expert. You feel a sense of obligation to uphold your ideals in the
  face of all the red tape, restrictions, and narrow-mindedness you are
  sure to encounter. With the unbelievable endurance and scope of this
  number, you can never give up.


  You will always feel that you have a "mission" in life, never
  satisfied to just muddle along, making do. You will be driven to take
  on almost more than you can handle (especially with a One, Four, or
  Eight Heart's Desire). You may even have some physical defect that
  challenges all your faith, diligence, and discipline. You probably
  don't fear failure so much as you dislike being ineffectual. Your
  dreams should be your goal.

  Your partner has a real gem. You are practical, loyal, and able to
  work out differences in relationships. However, you do not share your
  feelings willingly. You may have to be drawn to speak out about your
  feelings because you may think these are "unimportant" or

  You tend to be stubborn and set in your opinions, which can be an
  obstacle to reconciliation. Your mate should be used to the fact that
  you work just about all the time. You need the security of a good
  marriage and family, a nest egg, your own home. Even if you decline
  the domestic life, you will take your own sense of "home" with you
  wherever you travel throughout life. You need to be encouraged to get
  out, see new things. You can be a very good parent. Subscribe to
  Architectural Digest, Omni, Scientific American, or Smithsonian.

                      REALIZATION OR ULTIMATE GOAL

  The Realization is sometimes called the Ultimate Goal of your life.
  It is found by adding together the Birth path number (who you are)
  with the Destiny number (the road you will travel or the likely path
  of success). The Realization number seems to indicate the kind of
  person you will be or the lifestyle you will have in your later 
  years. It might be seen as what you have learned or accomplished 
  through all your experiences, or a significant part of your 

  At the end of your life, you look back at all the fun you have had,
  Triết, and you realize that each moment was precious. Your goal
  was to experience life in each moment, and while you may have 
  suffered intensely when your actions hurt others or your plans went 
  awry, you still feel life is worth living. You may have been 
  instrumental in lifting someone up when they thought they could no 
  longer go on. You may have helped others through difficult situations 
  with a cheering story or a positive and helping hand. You may have 
  carried a child on your shoulders, or created a symphony that stirred 
  people's souls. You may have danced and sang your way to greatness. 
  In small things, you always found the beauty.
  You treasure good times with good friends.


               What motivates me? What is most important to me?
                        How do I make my decisions?
  The Heart's Desire describes your inner motivations - your values and
  how you set your priorities. The Destiny number shows what you
  MUST do, the Heart's Desire shows you what you WANT to do. Will you
  embrace your Destiny? Or will you resist that Destiny, and want to do
  something different?  Your Heart's Desire is one of the most
  influential numbers in your life. Its influence can support, conflict
  with, or be neutral in regards to your life path.

  Think of your Heart's Desire as your instinctive decision-maker.
  People who don't know you well will probably not see this part of your
  nature, although certainly good friends and family will be very
  familiar with what you love and care about. Look back on some of the
  major turning points in your life. On what did you base your important
  choices? For example, in your last job decision did you opt for great
  working conditions, creative and friendly co-workers, improved status,
  or a higher salary? Those things that were most important to you are
  indications of your Heart's Desire. You don't have to worry about
  developing this number. It just is.

  Knowing your Heart's Desire helps to clarify what's REALLY important
  to you. Whenever you can, make choices in alignment with what your
  Heart whispers to you.

  Heart's Desire is the sum of all the vowels in your first, middle and
  last names.


  As a Master Number with a special potential, a Twenty-two Heart's
  Desire has foresight and discipline. You command an excellent ability
  to integrate experience, theory, and manpower into a productive plan.
  You work with great enthusiasm and endurance.

  Always looking beyond present applications to broader perspectives,
  you love to reform, rectify mistakes, put things on course. You are
  the master builder who builds to last.

  Your exceptional ability to break down large projects into manageable
  components comes from your love and understanding of system and order.
  It is coupled with the inspired delegation of duties to the right
  people. Your goal is always to achieve the widest possible benefit
  (even global and ecological ideals). Your dream may be to have the
  blueprints to the Pyramids, and you may have a secret project you hope
  to implement some day. Your innovations would be most likely to occur
  in construction, public transportation, manufacturing, and real
  estate. You even excel at hobbies.

  You have little use for people with intellectual pretensions, but are
  certain to be a friend of the "little guy" and to contribute to causes
  in a quiet way. You may have political aspirations. Loyal to the
  extreme, you naturally make a superb friend, teacher, or parent.


            How do people see me? What impression do I give?
            How does my Personality help me achieve success?
         Does my Personality hinder me from getting what I want?


  Your Personality number reveals how you appear to others. The people
  around you -- coworkers, friends, family -- may not know your Destiny
  or Heart's Desire, but chances are they can describe you and your
  attributes. This is the information revealed in the Personality
  number. Unlike other major numbers, which may define deep,
  seldom-glimpsed traits, your Personality number may even describe a
  social mask you use to protect yourself.

  Personality is the sum of all the consonants in your first, middle and
  last names.


  Triết, a Nine Personality tends to give you an open, generous,
  and tolerant attitude. People see you as warm, philosophical,
  idealistic, or artistic. Sometimes you have a flair for the dramatic,
  employing emphatic gestures or stylish clothing. You are more likely
  to operate emotionally or intuitively rather than rationally or
  intellectually. You may appear to others as very accomplished,
  vibrant, and fortunate. Sometimes, however, when you are lost in
  thought or when talking about spiritual ideas, people might think of
  you as a bit "spacey."

  One of the chief characteristics of the Nine is an inability to make
  decisions quickly. You are vulnerable and impressionable, able to see
  all sides of a question (therefore complicating even straightforward
  issues). You may be yearning for something unattainable. You can seem
  a bit distant, abstract, changeable, or unreliable (depending on your
  other numbers).

  People often sense your wisdom and maturity at first meeting and see
  you as someone with a special talent. You attract eccentrics and enjoy
  meeting people from all walks of life. You do not judge people on
  their material accomplishments. You will have many friends (but tend
  to drop people rather easily).

  Your personality is suited to cultural, artistic, and dramatic
  circles. You will excel in teaching, healing, and humanitarian
  occupations. Your warmth, philosophy of life, tolerance, and skills
  will be welcome in most all fields.

                  What habitual response do I have that
                      might be considered negative?

  The Habit Challenge defines an area of your personality you may wish
  to improve or use more often.

  Habit Challenge is a tendency, which can be either over-developed
  (becoming too much of a good thing) or a under-developed, leading to
  limitations in your effectiveness. The challenge is to balance
  yourself between the two extremes of the Habit Challenge number, and
  express the best qualities most of the time. For instance, if your
  Habit Challenge happened to be a Two (which, at its best is
  understanding and helpful), you might at times be too sensitive and
  timid--letting others take advantage of you. At other times, perhaps
  under stress, you might be abrupt and thoughtless, needing to remember
  that patience and diplomacy may be much more helpful in the long run.

  No matter what your Habit Challenge number, you will exhibit either
  side of the quality depending on circumstances.

  Habit Challenge is the number of letters in your first, middle and
  last names.


  Your Habit Challenge of 6 indicates that you just love to give advice!
  You have a tendency to get involved in other people's business, and
  your blind spot is the feeling that what you do is for their own
  good. You could be very hard to live with, giving your opinion on when
  to go to bed, what to eat, how to spend money, or where to go on
  vacation. Your Challenge stems from a need to be ultra-responsible.

  On the other hand, this challenge may cause you to avoid
  responsibility. You may not carry through with projects or fail to
  make necessary compromises with your friends, family, and coworkers.

              What are my special talents and abilities?
           Is my name unusually weighted in any direction?
                       Am I missing any traits?
  While your major numbers (such as Destiny and Birthpath) are patterns
  that guide and mold your overall direction in life, the individual 
  letters of your name sometimes highlight a theme by being absent 
  (Karmic lessons) or by being represented several times (Specialties).

  When letters occur several times in your chart, we call these your
  Specialties. Having an abundance of a certain number usually means 
  this quality is a distinctive trait in your nature.  Some names have 
  a fairly balanced number of letters, and no particular number stands 

  On the other hand, your name may not have certain numbers. Missing
  numbers are usually an indication that you are going to develop this
  quality in life.  It is very likely that life provides you with 
  exactly the right situations in which to develop your Karmic lessons.
  Karmic lessons are somewhat like a blind spot or something in which 
  you are not very interested.  They should not be considered as big 
  problems!  If you have no missing letters, then you have a wide range 
  of talents to use in life, and have no defined Karmic challenges.
  Notice if any of your CHALLENGES or PINNACLES are the same as your
  KARMIC LESSONS. Success will be easier if you really develop and
  express the quality of that missing number!

  Since the letters valued at One (A, J, S) appear in your name only
  ONCE OR NOT AT ALL - you are the type who does not push yourself ahead
  of others. You have a quiet self-confidence, or at worst, a general
  doubt that your goals can be easily reached. If your Birthpath or
  Destiny is a One, you may have an inner hesitation about assuming a
  leadership role, even if the opportunity is presented. You tend to
  defer to others, to be modest and easygoing, with a good sense of
  humor that tends to be self-deprecating.
  With few or no A, J, or S letters in your name, your life lesson is to
  stand up for what you believe in, to develop courage, leadership, and
  mental projects, such as writing, design, and business.

  Since Two appears in your name ONE OR TWO TIMES - patience,
  follow-through, and cooperation are strong traits. A peace keeper, you
  see both sides of a conflict, and work to keep balance and harmony in
  your surroundings. Good with details you may be a natural at record
  keeping, accounting, or assembly work.
  To use your natural talents for coordination and cooperation, you will
  be drawn to psychology, hospitality, mediation, or to work in the
  human resource field. As a lover of beauty, you might also be drawn to
  art, all work requiring precision, software programming, counseling,
  body-work, or to the beauty industry. Your weakness would be too much
  caution or a refusal to appreciate your own talents. Although you are
  naturally tactful, you may be prone to tell people only what they want
  to hear. Any of these traits are emphasized if the first letter of
  your first name starts with B, K, or T.

  Since the letters for the number Five (N, E, and W) appear in your
  name at least FIVE OR MORE TIMES - this indicates a highly energetic
  nature and ability to try new things. You very likely are an
  exceptionally successful salesperson or people person, able to
  generate enthusiasm and influence others. You also may be impulsive,
  spontaneous, and perhaps even hyper-energetic.
  Restless, active, curious, willing to take risks, you may move on to
  new fields before completing old projects. Typically unconventional,
  usually not very domestic, you really value your time and freedom. You
  need work with variety or travel. A woman who has many Fives may be
  seen as argumentative (being naturally independent and forthright),
  while a man may merely be considered bold and slightly obnoxious!
  Many letters of the five vibration may indicate a tendency to
  self-indulgence and even addiction (sex, food, drink, gambling,
  incessant moving).

  Since the letters for the number Six (F, O, and X) appear in your name
  NOT AT ALL -- you are apt to marry more than once. You have many
  lessons to learn about responsibility, and may even be drawn to become
  a teacher. Oddly, you may worry or procrastinate, fearing you'll make
  a wrong decision.

  Since the letters for the number Seven (G, P, and Y) appear in your
  name ONE OR TWO TIMES -- you have exceptionally well-developed
  intuition. You may have a strong spiritual interest or talent in
  metaphysics. You could be a researcher, detective, inventor, or
  educator; your specialty might be history or science. You possess the
  unique combination of faith and a probing mind.


                 How do I operate at the everyday level?

  Let's face it, Triết, you do like to live well! Good food,
  candlelight and wine, nice furniture, well-made shoes and clothes, a
  bookshelf filled with books delight your soul. Naturally sympathetic,
  you have a strong urge to find solutions to problems. People turn to
  you for advice. You are exceptionally responsible, and others may
  depend on you. You like to create a warm and cozy home where you can
  invite friends for dinner. Hobbies which appeal to you are gardening,
  painting, cooking, sewing, pets, and even healing with herbs! To be
  happy, you must feel useful, and your work usually involves teaching
  or some kind of service. You may have to really push yourself to
  exercise, and may put on weight more easily than you'd like. Your warm
  nature attracts people to you as life-long friends.

  Triết, you frequently have flashes of inspiration and quickly
  see the point of things. Highly principled, you can be very honest and
  outspoken. Witty and original, it's not unusual for you to be
  impatient with slow thinkers. Your first impressions are almost always
  right. You will be easily bored by routine and traditional lines of
  thought, and will be happiest when being given free reign to explore
  and engage in pioneering research or writing.


  The total number of B, K, T, C, L, U, F, O, and X's in your name adds 
  up to the number THREE, which means that you like activity, and feel 
  at home in busy situations. Your sense of humor is outstanding, and 
  you enjoy all kinds of recreational pursuits, especially socializing. 
  You take chances when others are cautious.
  Not given to analyzing inner feelings, you are generally happy and
  assume that everything will turn out for the best. You may, however
  when not productively engaged, harp on petty gripes or indulge in
  gossip. You are not always able to fulfill the promises you make so
  blithely. Your mate, while likely to be like you in being creative,
  lively, playful, and outgoing, could also be more serious and
  practical, because the balance of the opposites works for both of you.
  You love a spontaneous decision (let's go to Las Vegas this weekend),
  and even though you talk about your plans forever, suddenly you make a
  big change, surprising everyone who didn't think you'd ever get around
  to doing it. Your attitude is always "nothing ventured, nothing
  gained." You are popular and enjoy attention. You generally love
  children, and think of yourself as forever young. Very romantic, you
  like to impress your Beloved with extravagant displays-champagne,
  clothes, jewelry, furniture, cars, and cruises.


  Triết, you often feel intuition through your body (i.e,
  tinglings, stiff neck, knot in the stomach). Be sure to pay attention
  to these physical symptoms as important clues when making decisions or
  changes. You may consider yourself something of a free thinker. You
  like to have many projects on the horizon, and get restless with
  inactivity and boredom.

                      PINNACLES AND WHAT THEY MEAN

  The Pinnacles and their corresponding Challenges represent the four
  major phases of your lifetime. The Pinnacles of your chart describe
  your response to the environment, people, events, and experiences you
  will encounter during their influence.

  Generally, the Pinnacle number is considered a benevolent force.
  Pinnacles may be especially fortunate if they are the same number as
  your Destiny, Birth Path, or Heart's Desire number (check the front
  page of your chart to see if any of these major numbers are the same
  as a Pinnacle).

                     THE MEANING OF THE CHALLENGES
  While the Pinnacles describe the events and environment of your life,
  the corresponding Challenges describe the inner limitations, fears, or
  handicaps with which you may be grappling while their influence is in
  Keep in mind the following:
  If your Challenge number is the same as your Destiny number, you may
  initially experience setbacks in finding the right vocation. However,
  if you embrace and develop the best aspects of the Challenge number,
  you will be able to carry out your Destiny.
  If your Challenge is the same number as your Birth Path, your success
  comes from expressing yourself and your talent clearly, without
  apology. You have exactly what is needed for success as long as you
  develop the qualities of that Challenge number.
  If your Challenge is the same number as your Heart's Desire, you will
  be highly motivated to tackle your weak spots and acquire the
  necessary training to overcome any obstacles to success. You are
  likely to feel good about life at the end of that period.
  If your Challenge repeats for two or more times (your description will
  be repeated), you have a longer time to work on perfecting your
  Now...find out what is in store for you!


  Triết, since your first Pinnacle is a One and starts with your
  birth, success might come easier if you also have a ONE Destiny,
  Birthpath, or Heart's Desire. If you lack the letters A, J, or S in
  your name, you may have to struggle to free yourself from your family.
  Typically, you are assertive and ready for adventure at an early age
  under the influence of a One Pinnacle. You may even establish your
  own business or develop a talent early in life. You may stand out in
  school, invent something, write a play, or overcome a physical
  problem. You dream of accomplishing an ambitious goal.
  The best fields or careers for you to explore are those involved with
  original research, design, architecture, writing, venture capitalism,
  analysis, field work, or anything on the cutting edge of knowledge.
  You should keep your eye on rising to the top in any business, as
  leadership is the natural position under a ONE.
  You may marry someone who is special, talented, unusually attractive,
  tall, or well-recognized. You and your mate tend to be ambitious for
  the best life has to offer.
  POSSIBLE FLAWS OR PROBLEMS: Impatience, arrogance, dishonesty, trouble
  with the law, conflicts with male members of the family, leaving home
  or being head of household at an early age.

  An Eight Challenge, Triết, demands that you stay in your power
  and authenticity. If you do this, you have every chance for
  meaningful success and financial prosperity. Powerful forces are
  aligning to help you achieve your goals. Look for opportunities to
  take on responsibility. Know your worth and feel confident. At the
  same time, do not become domineering and hard, or take advantage of
  people to attain your goals. Realize that not everyone is as competent
  or as committed as you are and maintain a sense of compassion. You may
  be building financial stability now, but don't make money the main
  reason for doing something worthwhile. Work often involves
  corporations, big business, government, and institutions or fund
  In your drive to achieve, you have the ability to withstand long
  hours, opposition, frustration. Be sure to take time out to relax,
  meditate, spend time with family and friends and enjoy life. Look
  beyond facts and figures to the true meaning of why you are doing
  This period might bring challenges through legal conflicts,
  bankruptcy, demotion, sudden promotion, financial strain, real estate
  problems, or dealings with the government or the criminal justice


  Triết, your Second Pinnacle is what's called a "karmic"
  number-the SIXTEEN (ALSO SEVEN). SIXTEEN or SEVEN represents a time
  of deep learning and questioning. Nothing is as it seems on the
  surface. You may sometimes feel lonely, misunderstood, unfulfilled,
  or isolated. Often there is a deep yearning for someone or something
  During this period, you are on a quest, and it will probably be
  revealed to you rather than methodically-planned for. Sometimes it's
  even required that you leave familiar territory and surroundings and
  embark on a life in another country. Even if you stay in one place,
  you will begin to focus your energies into meaningful activities
  rather than just let your life drift. You will be drawn to writing,
  reflection, research, and study.
  During the karmic SIXTEEN, you tend to be attracted to eccentric 
  interests and locales (e.g., UFO's, foreign cultures, the Peace Corps, 
  military strategy, or anthropology and archeology.) You may also 
  exhibit special abilities in technical or scientific fields. 
  Religion-or even experiences with a cult are not unusual as you try to
  understand the breadth and depth of what life has to offer. Easily
  bored by superficialities, you are selective in both your activities
  and your friends. You are happiest when you're reading, surfing the
  Internet, or talking on the phone to your best friend. You decide not
  to spend a lot of time with phony people.
  For careers, consider anything to do with writing, analysis (from
  financial to psychoanalysis), history, religion, philosophy, technical
  and scientific fields, or metaphysical study.
  The SIXTEEN sometimes brings betrayal, as it represents the lessons of
  trust and truth. You are learning to be alone and not be lonely, to
  know yourself. You are drawn to principles of right living.
  misunderstood; having to increase understanding of technology; feeling
  undirected; deep spiritual longing; clash of values with loved ones;
  depression; speaking sarcastically; developing odd quirks; losing
  money through inattention; going deeply into occult matters without
  good spiritual grounding; disconnection from meaningful activities;
  feeling like you are in the void.

  During a Two Challenge, Triết, you may experience self-doubt and
  a lack of confidence. Shyness or timidity may be a problem. You may
  be too easily influenced by what others say, even unintentionally,
  and may value their opinions over your own.
  You may avoid making decisions, or feel that conditions are holding
  you back, and yet not take action to change anything. During this time
  you tend to be overly sensitive to criticism or lack of respect. Be
  careful not to take everything so personally. Avoid complaining or
  whining. By developing your ability to listen, you will accumulate
  the necessary knowledge and wisdom to solve your problems. With
  patience and attention to detail you will avoid costly mistakes and
  looking foolish.
  You feel best when in a harmonious, quiet environment. Friendships
  will be a source of deep satisfaction to you. This is a time to
  respect your ability to compromise and grow in a quiet way. Do not let
  details overwhelm you and keep you from seeing the big picture. Have
  faith in what is emerging. Resist the urge to be a people-pleaser!


  Triết, your Third Pinnacle of EIGHT Pinnacle continues to give
  you great opportunities for achieving your goals. By now you should
  have money, power, and authority.
  If you are changing careers, you might be considering moving up
  professionally. Depending on your education so far, you might decide
  to go into law, contracting, property management, real estate, or
  start your own business. If you work in a corporation, you will have
  achieved by now the rank of manager, Vice-President, Chief Financial
  Officer, or Chief Executive Officer. Accounting, banking, financial
  analysis, investing, and real estate are highly likely occupations as
  the lessons of the EIGHT happen in the realm of money, power, and
  You have always valued efficiency and self-accountability, but now may
  have tests and challenges about the ethics of some of your
  decisions. Your judgment is often tested when you have people to hire
  and investments to make.
  Work addiction is frequently a problem when trying to establish a
  solid foundation or meet the demands of your profession. In this
  case, personal relationships tend to deteriorate, or children may
  suffer when parents focus more on career and making money than
  spending time with the family. You may expect much of your children
  and have little tolerance for rebellion, carelessness, or slacking.
  It's important to take a look at yourself when judging others.
  Compassion, good communication, and forgiveness are very important
  Marriage is very likely to stay stable during this period, as you
  enjoy the credibility and status that comes with a good
  marriage. Divorce, however, could be a high-profile affair involving
  difficult financial negotiations and hard feelings.
  During an EIGHT, the tendency is to rely more on rational thinking
  than feelings, so you may risk overlooking the intuitive "red flags"
  that later may prove to be important. During an EIGHT, it may be
  hard for you to relax. You may not have much tolerance for
  carelessness or slackers. An unforgiving or domineering attitude
  will create many heartaches until you learn not to try to control
  stress-related health problems; too much travel; bankruptcy; audits;
  legal problems; large financial risks; inability to listen to others'
  good advice; a harsh or unforgiving attitude; pomposity; ostentatious
  living; too much emphasis on money and status; social climbing;
  financial hardship; aggressive or overly-competitive attitudes; lack
  of affection or inability to enjoy simple pleasures.

  During a Six Challenge, Triết, you are learning to be
  responsible and serve others. It is a time of great caring and
  nurturing. You may have a family that requires much from you; you may
  teach or counsel. You cannot avoid giving to others.
  A pitfall of the Six Challenge is the tendency to be too stubborn and
  set in your opinions. You will experience nothing but frustration if
  you insist on running everyone else's life. This may be a time of the
  domineering parent where your idea of "what is best" for others is
  based on your own need to control. Be careful not to feel like a
  martyr. Strive to create a warm and beautiful environment at
  home. Cultivate traditional values and celebrate rituals. You might
  use this energy in community work. Be a Volunteer, a Big Brother or
  Big Sister. Care for elderly parents with compassion and gratitude.


  Triết, your Fourth and last Pinnacle of EIGHT continues to require 
  hard work and commitment, especially if your Second or Third 
  Pinnacles were also EIGHT. However, you now have the experience and 
  maturity to become as successful as you can be.
  If you are changing careers, you might be considering property
  management, real estate, or starting your own business. If you work
  in a corporation, you will have achieved by now the rank of manager,
  Vice-President, Chief Financial Officer, or Chief Executive
  Officer. Accounting, banking, financial analysis, investing, and real
  estate are still likely occupations as the lessons of the EIGHT happen
  in the realm of money, power, and authority. If an author, your books
  will be published widely and sell well. If you are a politician or in
  any governmental position, you will be elected or promoted. However,
  the cost for this advancement--in money, time, and relationships--may
  be high. Work stresses can be very heavy.
  You have always valued efficiency and self-accountability, but now may
  face tests and challenges about the ethics of some of your
  decisions-especially when hiring people or making investments. Outside
  pressure may create a lack of good judgment, which in turn allows
  finances to fall apart. Don't give your power away to inferior
  people, but do learn to delegate to those suited to the task.
  Work addiction is frequently a problem when trying to establish a
  solid foundation or meet the demands of your profession. In this
  case, personal relationships tend to deteriorate, or children may
  suffer when parents focus more on career and making money than
  spending time with the family. You may expect much of your children
  and have little tolerance for rebellion, carelessness, or slacking.
  It's important to take a look at yourself when judging others.
  Compassion, good communication, and forgiveness are very important
  Marriage is very likely to stay stable during this period, as you
  enjoy the credibility and status that comes with a good
  marriage. Divorce, however, could be high-profile, and involve large
  and difficult financial negotiations and hard feelings.
  Although you want the best of material things-and have them--don't
  neglect your health, spiritual development, and well-being. This is
  the time now to release an unforgiving or domineering attitude.
  As a Last Pinnacle, EIGHT may not let you retire or it may elevate a
  hobby or interest to professional status! Be sure to set up your
  estate and give generously to humanitarian causes.
  bankruptcy; a harsh or unforgiving attitude; pomposity; ostentatious
  living; too much emphasis on money and status; continued social
  climbing; financial hardship; aggressive or overly-competitive
  attitudes; lack of affection or inability to enjoy simple pleasures.

  During a Six Challenge, Triết, you are learning to be
  responsible and serve others. It is a time of great caring and
  nurturing. You may have a family that requires much from you; you may
  teach or counsel. You cannot avoid giving to others.
  A pitfall of the Six Challenge is the tendency to be too stubborn and
  set in your opinions. You will experience nothing but frustration if
  you insist on running everyone else's life. This may be a time of the
  domineering parent where your idea of "what is best" for others is
  based on your own need to control. Be careful not to feel like a
  martyr. Strive to create a warm and beautiful environment at
  home. Cultivate traditional values and celebrate rituals. You might
  use this energy in community work. Be a Volunteer, a Big Brother or
  Big Sister. Care for elderly parents with compassion and gratitude.

                    PERSONAL YEAR ANALYSIS FOR 2014

  Triết, you are currently in a Eight Personal Year:

  An Eight Personal Year is a good time to:

  Buy property
  Be courageous in the face of discouragement
  Stand firm on what you know to be right	
  Acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments 
  rather than blame or regret
  Work overtime if necessary
  Tithe part of your increased income
  Buy business clothes
  Get business cards printed
  Be businesslike, professional
  Feel successful, but not driven
  Face unpleasant facts squarely
  Ask for a raise or promotion
  Trust your gut instincts, but be prudent
  Put effort into finishing past issues
  Consider all problems as opportunities
  Have surgery
  Find a mentor or be a mentor
  Buy a new car
  Reduce or clear consumer debt
  Set up a spending plan for the year and stick to it
  Marry and have a big wedding

  In an Eight year, you feel the stirrings of ambition after the slower
  pace of last year. You now have a greater sense of purpose and
  willingness to take on new challenges. Somewhere in your life, you
  have a big decision to make. You are in the fulfillment year of the
  nine-year cycle, provided you take consistent actions to succeed. You
  now have more self-confidence and a feeling of belonging. You know
  who you are and where you are going. This year is like a graduate
  course of study -- you will be tested and evaluated.
  Money and power are the two big lessons. Income and expense are often
  equal, and a debt may be repaid to you in full. Since your judgment is
  good and persistence is generally high, you will achieve more than you
  thought possible. Once you make a decision, go for it. This year
  brings decisions about investments, joining organizations, working
  with institutions, selling or buying property, or legal matters. A
  cheerful, competent, and open attitude attracts abundance, whereas a
  discouraged, belligerent, angry, or fearful attitude may bring
  loss. Loss of money or health problems-while painful for a while--may
  bring unexpected rewards. Think of the future, not of the past. Learn
  from, but don't dwell on, mistakes. Any setback now is temporary.
  Since you may turn to professionals for help this year, be sure to
  maintain the final decision-making power, and don't assume that
  experts always know more than you do on everything. Be open but use
  good judgment, and take your time before committing to anything.
  CHALLENGES: High financial stakes, legal matters, power struggles,
  unbalanced lifestyle, deceit, forcing an issue, giving one's power
  away, stress.

  ACTION MONTHS: February, June, October, November


  January (Nine Personal Month) - COMPLETION AND EXPANSION. Finish up a
  project before starting a new one. If anything is pending, make every
  effort to complete it. You may have some surprising financial rewards
  this month. You are looked to for expert decisions, and may travel
  abroad for meetings. There is a chance that some condition is somewhat
  sad or depressing, but in most part of your life you feel optimistic,
  confident, happy, and satisfied. You are keenly aware of the wisdom of
  listening and learning, giving generously, and being compassionate.
  February (One Personal Month) - FULL STEAM AHEAD. This is the
  kick-off month to your very important Eight year when you reap the
  rewards of what you have sown for the past seven years. Do not fear
  challenges or changes. There is every indication that you will have
  more abundance than ever in friendships, love, money, and a feeling of
  doing what matters to you. Your leadership is called upon, perhaps in
  several arenas. You may be elected to office in an organization,
  submit a book proposal, find an agent, or make good decisions about
  your investments. Ask for what you want now. If finances are in deep
  trouble, it's mandatory to do what it takes now to correct the
  March (Two Personal Month) - COOPERATION. This month forces you to
  slow down a bit, be thorough, and attend to details. You'll probably
  get further by being cooperative rather than forceful. It's likely
  that you feel restless for action and ready to do something, but are
  being held back by circumstances beyond your control. Love and
  partnership are much on your mind, and you are more willing to commit
  to the future with someone than not. Women figure prominently in your
  life-mothers, sisters, wives, girl friends, and female bosses or
  April (Three Personal Month) - POSSIBILITIES. This could be a
  puzzling month, since it's generally favorable for businesses
  involving speaking, entertainment, and big-ticket items, but offers
  confusing messages about potential opportunities. Social life could be
  the key to new business, but too much socializing could also get in
  the way of accomplishment. You might be attracted to someone
  new. Don't say anything in casual conversations that you'll regret!
  This month usually offers less work and more time to play. Short trips
  revive the spirit, as long as they don't overstretch the pocketbook.
  May (Four Personal Month) - WORK, PLAN, IMPLEMENT. Travel tends to be
  for business or for a specific goal. Even though you can see exactly
  how to accomplish your aims, interference or restrictions get in your
  way. You tend to buy basic things (file cabinets, new tires, items for
  home repairs) rather than optional ones. You might have increased
  obligations with family members. Anger could enter the picture in
  some cases. This is an excellent time for signing contracts and taking
  prudent measures with finances that increase balance and a feeling of
  June (Five Personal Month) -- SURPRISING CHANGES. You need to be
  adaptable and flexible this month since what you thought was going to
  happen might change. Conflicting opinions arise on what to do now,
  promoting a contest of wills. This period is great for business
  expansion: go ahead with an advertising or public relations campaign.
  You will meet very important contacts at meetings and
  conferences. It's very likely you will travel on business, and delays
  or changes in schedules, while exasperating, may offer unexpected
  July (Six Personal Month) - COMMITMENTS. If you are looking to get
  married, you could hardly choose a better month. You feel secure,
  happy, and settled-at least for the moment! Domestic life crowds out
  business considerations briefly. Buy bikes for the kids, add on to
  your home, or buy a family car. Respond with love to the needs of
  others. You may receive an inheritance or adopt a child. Divorce
  settlements tend to be costly now but fair.
  August (Seven Personal Month) - REST AND REJUVENATE. Luckily you have
  a respite from the pressures of last month. Find time to meditate,
  and attend to your health. Resist the momentum created last month and
  the tendency to overwork. Do something unique and special. People seek
  you out for your expertise. Be patient about the arrival of money. If
  looking for work wait until next month when you will have the best
  career and money aspects all year.
  September (Eight Personal Month) - SUCCESS. This is a very busy
  month, full of work, tasks, and money decisions. Your responsibility
  and authority may increase, or you could be asked to do something
  you've never done before. You might become CEO or acting-CEO of your
  company. Resume updates, certifications, degrees, and education are
  issues now. Go to school if it will increase your career aspects. Be
  careful investing, but do something active about your finances. If
  hitting a wall somewhere in your life, don't give up now. This is a
  testing period, and very important for ultimate success.
  October (Nine Personal Month) - RELIEF AND EXPANSION. A trying
  circumstance is ending. Tie up loose ends in all projects, and don't
  start anything new yet. This is a good time to change an attitude and
  unblock repressed energy. This month could signal the end of an
  illness or the letting go of a relationship. You might be moved to
  give generously to someone in need or an organization. Educational
  and cultural events, as well as international or long-distance travel,
  are highly indicated.
  November (One Personal Month) - NEW BEGINNINGS. Now is the time you've
  been waiting for to start a major project. You have incredible energy
  and support available. However, there could be difficulties in the
  beginning that challenge you to an even better approach. Financial
  decisions, major purchases, presentations, and publishing success are
  all indicated. In your race to accomplish something, however, don't
  become heavy-handed or too arrogant. This is a time for launchings,
  courage, and even heroism.
  December (Two Personal Month) - RELATIONSHIPS. You've been so busy
  initiating grand schemes that if things are not going smoothly it may
  be because you've overlooked someone who needs to hear from you. You
  might be feeling a bit of a let down following the effort and
  accomplishment of last month. Pesky regulations or missed details
  might account for frustrating restrictions. If you are being harassed
  by a problem, back off for a while and let things sort themselves
  out. You may be in for some long group meetings, or integrating new
  people into your team. You need to analyze budgets and take measures
  that reform and balance. Slow down and be receptive to others'
  opinions, but delay making decisions if you can. You may have to talk
  to your mate if he or she is working too much, and you feel neglected.

                         TRANSITS AND ESSENCES

  DURING 2014 YOU ARE 72.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your FIRST NAME:

  I = Helping others brings great financial and emotional rewards. Your
  setbacks become stepping stones to new heights of success. You'll have
  an unusual avenue open to you from influential people. Your contacts
  may be international or very broad. This is an emotional period of
  letting go or of forgiving someone.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your MIDDLE NAME:

  H = You will have many business pressures and decisions throughout
  this 8-year influence. You will rise within your company because of
  your vision and your management ability. This is a period of
  development along the lines of construction, engineering, financial
  analysis, and corporate training. You must know how to delegate and to
  administrate as you are often in the role of problem-solver. Your
  success comes from being able to focus, be committed, and not swayed
  by sentiment. You may be responsible for judging others' work. You
  must gather facts before making decisions. Be careful in making
  contractual agreements.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your LAST NAME:

  G = Quiet solitude is very nurturing to you. Too much alone time,
  though, makes you feel as if everybody is avoiding you. Your ideas
  develop slowly. Your spiritual needs are highlighted. You learn to
  trust your "still, small voice." You may distance yourself from
  sentimental or overly-restrictive relationships. This is the time to
  engage in spiritual study, writing, research, and psychotherapy.
  Gardening, nature study, or camping may be very soothing activities.

  TWENTY-FOUR Essence: This period favors steady growth towards
  security. You work for goals and achieve them. Success comes from
  traditional services or businesses. You'll experience harmony and
  comfort and may entertain or support extended family members.
  Mentoring someone brings you great happiness. You may adopt a child or
  send children to college. You enjoy (or desire) the good life, a home
  base, and to be cherished. Obligations could press hard. Don't try to
  fix other's problems.

  Lessons: How to support others but not be too overbearing or

  Your Period Number is 5:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience much change and
  restlessness. If the period goes on longer than four months, you may
  be out of work or busy promoting a consultant-type of career. The
  Universe is encouraging you to develop many facets of your abilities
  now. Relationships will come and go during this period, so don't make
  any long-term commitments yet. If you also have a "5" personal month
  influence now, there may be a sense of urgency, chaos, or even
  conflict at times. You may have more than one opportunity, and will
  encounter the unexpected. It will be very hard for young people to
  concentrate or focus.

  February - May
  Your Period Number is 5:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience much change and
  restlessness. If the period goes on longer than four months, you may
  be out of work or busy promoting a consultant-type of career. The
  Universe is encouraging you to develop many facets of your abilities
  now. Relationships will come and go during this period, so don't make
  any long-term commitments yet. If you also have a "5" personal month
  influence now, there may be a sense of urgency, chaos, or even
  conflict at times. You may have more than one opportunity, and will
  encounter the unexpected. It will be very hard for young people to
  concentrate or focus.

  June - September
  Your Period Number is 1:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience a growing sense of
  self-confidence. You are on a trajectory to a new life, and your bold
  ideas bring success. You will be spending much time on projects
  related to your own interests, rather than simply putting in time on
  other people's ideas. Be assertive in advancing your career. This is
  an advantageous time for beginning a new direction. A product may be
  put on the market now. Relationships occupy less of your time as you
  focus on designing, writing, directing, initiating, exploring, and
  moving. If you also have a "1" personal month coinciding with the "1"
  period number, expect dramatic change! You may be home only long
  enough to change underwear. Arrogance, impatience, and inexperience
  could shadow your success.

  October - December
  Your Period Number is 7:

  During this four-month sequence you will feel like spending more time
  alone with your own thoughts and interests. If you are in a
  relationship, you let your partner know that "it's nothing personal",
  but you'd just like a little more space. If you are single, then you
  might tend to isolate now and feel lonely. It's important to keep in
  contact with books, activities, or people who inspire you. You may be
  conferring with top specialists in your field, or doing interesting
  research. If you also have a "7" personal month happening
  concurrently, you may have a deep intuitive revelation. There may be a
  secret that is revealed or covered up. A double "7" influence could
  cause difficulties in your communications, and you should move
  carefully and thoughtfully during the time the two "7"'s are at work.


  You have now been introduced to your life path. It's a good idea to
  review the chart once a year, perhaps on your birthday, to keep you in
  touch with what you came here to accomplish. Each subsequent reading
  may reveal the concepts to you in a different light.
  If you decide to have a personal consultation which can help you
  deepen your understanding of the main points of your blueprint and
  your timing, please email Carol Adrienne at
  Monthly coaching is also available at reasonable rates.
  Read your free weekly forecast and daily Purpose Tracker messages at (under free stuff).