Ana Lúcia Pereira Moniz
September 9, 1976

Image of Carol Adrienne.

Dear Ana, I am very excited to provide you with your Love Life Forecast—which is based on the numerology of your birth date.

For the past forty years, I have counseled thousands of clients. Typically the most often-asked questions I hear concern relationships. Since numerology is so brilliant with timing information, I decided to create this Love Life Forecast monthly calendar of influences to focus specifically on your relationships.

May you meet good people, find the love and connection you desire, and the fulfillment of your spiritual purpose.

Carol Adrienne

Author of The Purpose of Your Life, The Numerology Kit and The Celestine Prophecy Experiential Guide.

How to Use This Forecast

Focus on the positive. Your numbers can be like lighthouses—there to help you through a storm when necessary. Numbers are also like wise companions, nudging you in the right direction. Zoom in on where you need to pay attention so you can make the best use of a period.

Check your personal month calendar. Find the best months to make changes. Avoid potentially unfavorable periods.

Align with your higher purpose. Relationships play a major role in your overall destiny. As you notice how your experiences often match the predictions, you may find that your patience, self-confidence, and clarity increase. Your relationship harmony is naturally higher when you feel fulfilled.

Practice paying more attention to your intuition. Reinforce positive intentions. Tune in to your report periodically. This habit of checking your numbers gives the Universe the message that you want to move forward in the best possible way. Knowing your cycle helps you handle indecision and uncertainty by encouraging you to trust your intuition to guide you effortlessly. Your life purpose is always at work in your life.

Take new steps and see what happens. The tips given each month for attracting romance and improving your relationships are suggestions only. You might do one or two, or even all of them. You might simply visualize yourself acting on one of the ideas, or take just one small step to try something new. Finding a romantic partnership is about attracting, rather than forcing. Finding love has a lot to do with synchronicity and being ready. Keeping a relationship alive and growing and happy takes self-awareness, patience, and adaptability.

Recognize and release obstacles. Desire (intention with feeling) sets in motion the river of changes which attract the love and happiness you want. Negative beliefs are like boulders in the river. To flow around the boulders, examine any ideas you hold (such as,“I'm not good enough.”) that are not serving your flow. Use this forecast to help you flow downstream (with right timing), rather than struggling upstream.

Plan with confidence. Obviously, not all of the potentials described each month will be realized in your life. However, this forecast is designed to help you take advantage of positive aspects for meeting new people or making major decisions, such as proposing marriage, setting a wedding date, choosing a time for a honeymoon, or a move of your home. You will find many months that offer the best chances to stay on track using your in-born numerology cycles.

Other numerology reports and consultations are listed at the end of this report.

Your Seven Personal Year (2014) Brings:

During a Seven Personal Year your values and priorities tend to shift from ambition for material things to a desire to feel more in alignment with your spiritual purpose. You may crave more time for pursuits of the mind or spirit—or nature.

While you may be uncertain as to how to make a change, you clearly know what no longer fits for you. For those struggling with a deeply troubled or abusive relationship, this may be the year when change is inevitable. On the other hand, as important as it is this year to become more authentic, this is not a time to get depressed or give up on cherished goals. Miracles can happen now. What you thought was over could return.

For true happiness, stop struggling to find an impossible perfection; instead concentrate on being grateful for everyday things. Get more involved with what fascinates you. This year you care less about pleasing everyone just to keep the peace. You care less about what others think, and more about what you can do to make yourself happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

By the end of the year you are likely to feel deep trust in God and peace of mind.

Tips to Attract Romance:

Tips to Improve Romance:

Monthly Relationship Aspects for a Seven Personal Year
Quality Month Personal Month Aspect
Challenging January Eight Major decisions. Financial concerns. High expenses or disappointments may affect love relationship. Family or work conflicts may affect health or intimacy.
Challenging February Nine Stress. Insights. Sorrow. Time to reflect on essentials. Absence, loss or deception could shift your world temporarily. Not a time to take on anything new.
Challenging March One New ideas. Courage. Change. May feel a big shift, new vitality, or clarity now. Not a social time, but you might meet your soul mate! Do something new or different.
Good to Neutral April Two Waiting. If you meet someone special, he or she might be the one or the one for now! Listen to intuition, not fear. No need to force or push. Just go with the flow.
Good to Neutral May Three Creative urges. Change one habit or part of your routine. Be a little more spontaneous. Psychic/intuitive guidance is good; finances and social life improve.
Challenging June Four Limitation. Worries about the future. Not a time to take on something new as you may regret it later. Take care when driving or moving about. Health concerns.
Good to Neutral July Five Excitement. Change. Opportunity. Discovery. Conflicts may bring breakup; restless urge for change. Could have desire for extramarital affair or deception.
Good to Neutral August Six Family issues arise. May be at odds with your mate or reconsidering a commitment. Some may consider having a child to bring mate closer. Battle of wills.
Challenging September Seven Solitude. Quiet. Possible deception. If love is true, things work out; challenging aspects for couples. Listen to intuition. Patience. Care when traveling.
Challenging October Eight Major financial decisions or worries. May discover unexpected expense; health stresses due to overwork or anxiety. Weddings now are expensive.
Good to Neutral November Nine Laugh. Cry. Grieve. Let go. Find a spiritual practice to help you heal and regain equilibrium. Don't start anything new. Forgiveness of yourself and others is key.
Challenging December One Temporary advancement. A change, move, or decision offers an unexpected positive new vista. Delay long-term commitments now, but enjoy the moment.

Your Eight Personal Year (2015) Brings:

In an Eight Personal Year, you are likely to feel more confident and able to realize your goals. Recent events may have shown you that your dreams can come true—providing that you stay focused and use good judgment.

Power struggles or difference of opinion within your close relationships may test your patience. How you handle issues now show how much you have matured in eight years. Good decisions now are required for a happier future.

In or out of a relationship, making good money decisions (earning, spending, saving, investing) is one of the two big lessons during an Eight Personal Year. The second lesson involves power—how you hold your own with dominating people or challenging situations. Issues might involve inheritance, taxes, contracts, debts, or divorce settlements.

If single and looking during an Eight Personal Year, you may have less time for social life and dating due to other demands. However, love is out there if you listen to intuition and follow your heart. For some, this period may bring dating partners who are co-workers, well-to-do professionals, slightly older, or who have their own business. A wedding this year—quite possible if you are ready—is likely to be large or expensive.

Tips to Attract Romance:

Tips to Improve Romance:

Monthly Relationship Aspects for an Eight Personal Year
Quality Month Personal Month Aspect
Challenging January Nine Fulfillment. Completion. Financial improvement; travel. Relationships possibly affected by promotion or layoff; wedding licenses or divorce settlements.
Favourable February One Full steam ahead. Excellent results for property sales, job advancement, weddings, surgeries. Obstacles cleared. Big decision or move. Confidence; courage.
Favourable March Two Togetherness. Relationships need tending. Love could blossom on or off the job. Time for more work/love/life balance. Excellent aspects for dating, marriage.
Favourable April Three Social. Happy. Good times. Abundance. A love triangle or gossip about a friend could bring a conflict. Good time for vacation, honeymoon, engagement.
Challenging May Four Work problems. Restrictions. Possible family responsibilities, health concerns, buying, selling, or repairing home. Time of commitment. Efforts bring good results.
Challenging June Five Upsets. Conflicts. Changes. Others may disagree with you. Adapt to conditions until the path is clear. Surprise encounters or accidents. Plans may be called off.
Favourable July Six Decision time. Aspects could bring marriage, birth, health concerns, or discussions of separation. More typically, however, you feel secure, settled, busy, but enthusiastic.
Challenging August Seven Setback. Delays. May not be working so hard. Your partner may be away due to business travel. Try to balance work demands with quiet times, meditation.
Challenging September Eight Financial decisions. Stress. Could be tests, obstacles, higher expenses, or legal battles. If emotions are overwhelming, you may make a hasty, impractical decision.
Challenging October Nine Relief. Closure. Letting go. A sad circumstance or illness ends. Wait till next month to make a major change or move. Much love and sharing. Financial windfall.
Favourable November One Prosperity. Clarity. Good decisions. Excellent time for marriage, new businesses, transfers, and promotions. You feel confident, optimistic, and ready.
Good to Neutral December Two Slow down. Possible feeling of letdown after much accomplishment. A detail could cause a delay or a change in partnership. Love and money issues.

Other Reports by Carol Adrienne

If you enjoyed reading Carol Adrienne's Love Life Forecast, continue discovering the full destiny and timing of your numerology life plan by ordering one or more of the following charts:

Primary Life Chart

The Primary Life Chart, about 28 pages long, describes your basic nature, talents, what you have come to do and what makes you happy. The chart gives you the ages you will be when your four major periods of life occur and what those periods predict. The monthly calender for the year helps you to stay on track.

Extended Forecast

These Forecasts extend the forecast found in your Primary Life Chart. (Once you have ordered your Primary Life Chart, you do not need to order it again.)

Secondary Name Chart

This chart describes a married name, a name changed by personal choice, or a name given at adoption.

Private Consultations with Carol Adrienne


If you feel in need of a career change, are discouraged, or are wondering what's next, a consultation is a chance to focus on your current situation and bring issues out into the open. This session is a chance to rethink, regroup and validate your intuitive feelings. Carol provides a clear interpretation of where you've been, where you are and where you are headed. Specific issues are explored in-depth. An audio recording is sent after the session for further reflection.


If you are thinking of changing your name, be sure you understand how the name will affect your life according to the numbers. The session includes a review of your original life plan and analyzes name possibilities to find the one that has the best potential to attract the life you want.


Let Carol Adrienne help you analyze the best choices for your business or domain name, and identify good launch dates.


Follow up with Carol whenever you want to get an update on your number aspects or explore the next step. Carol will help you identify your best options, possible challenges and help you brainstorm on seeming blocks.

Carol's Web site has many free offerings, from a daily Personal Day app, weekly numerology forecast, Purpose Tracker inspirational messages and more.
