Primary Life Chart


                        Numerology Delineation For
                        Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson


                             LIFE CHART SUMMARY
                     ABOUT YOUR LIFE PURPOSE (DESTINY)

  First Name                     Katheryn     3
  This name indicates a positive nature, good people skills, a fondness
  for sports, children, music, and film.

  Middle Name                   Elizabeth     7
  This name gives you a curious, sometimes skeptical nature, which seeks
  answers to life's deeper questions.

  Last Name                        Hudson     9
  This name indicates a strong desire to serve, support, instruct, coach,
  heal, or contribute to world peace.

  Destiny                                  19/1
  Your Karmic Destiny helps you overcome a fear of public visibility
  (perhaps left over from a painful past life where you suffered publicly)
  to offer a better way to do things.  KEY: Trust yourself and your
  creative instincts.  CAREERS: writer; entrepreneur; architect; designer;
  inventor; CEO/business owner; artist; athlete; captain; director; public
  speaker; politician; entertainer; public relations; journalist;

  Heart's Desire                              6
  To be happy you need the love and security of home and family, while
  planning a trip to learn cooking in Italy or visiting crafts people in
  Asia. You can't help but counsel and nurture wherever you are.  Your
  ideal mate is intelligent, successful, easy going, a homebody or
  traveler, and not afraid of your strong opinions.

  Personality                              22/4

  People see past your modest, down-to-earth attitude and find a special
  quality of commitment and ability to overcome hardships. You impress
  with your practical wisdom. Under stress-you work very hard.

  Habit Challenge                             5

  Your daily lessons are to use your time wisely, be flexible but focused,
  and curb self-destructive habits. Your life may be extremely varied or
  physically challenging.  Your challenge is to promise only what you can
  actually do, and to fulfill true responsibilities. Rigidity and
  conventionality impede your progress.

                     YOUR BIRTH DATE (BIRTHPATH) SHOWS

  Day of Birth                               25

  Your life purpose involves life-long learning, searching, and
  discovery--for information, truth, the past, or what is hidden. Success
  is achieved through specializing in spirituality, diagnosis, or data
  analysis. An ideal partner is intelligent, self-sufficient with his/her
  own interests, and able to balance social life with your need for

  Birthpath                                   3
  You must be enthusiastic, imaginative, pro-active, positive, and
  uplifting wherever your Destiny Number places you.  KEY: Develop your
  talents-don't just talk about it. CAREERS: advertising; sales;
  marketing; toy design; graphics; TV actor; the arts, publishing; sports,
  fashion, teaching; florist; model.  AVOID: depression, cynicism,
  extravagance, over-talking, over-optimism, or scattering your energy.
  An ideal mate is spontaneous, good with money, not very critical, and
  enjoys your friends.

  Realization                                 4
  By the end of your life you are likely to have made a real contribution
  in keeping the world running smoothly.  You will have learned the value
  of consistent application and creativity. You will be known for making a
  difference in people's lives by contributing to order, system,
  necessities, security, and planning.

                           BALANCE OF TEMPERAMENT
                        How you live in daily life:

  Physically                                  6

  You love to care for your friends, cook and eat, and create beauty

  Mentally                                    7

  You excel at research, writing, developing, diagnosing, and asking

  Emotionally                                 7

  You love deeply, but prefer to keep feelings to yourself; an ideal mate
  honors your privacy.

  Spiritually                                 3

  You may prefer spiritual celebrations to formal religion, and live by a
  positive faith in life.

                             TRANSITION PERIODS
             Situations you encounter and what you must develop.

  FIRST PINNACLE (from Birth to age 33)       8
  Emphasis on achievement, status, business acumen, buying/selling real
  estate, sports, publishing.

  FIRST CHALLENGE (from Birth to age 33)      6
  You are learning how to love without blame, guilt, or resentment; to
  nurture yourself as well as others.

  SECOND PINNACLE (from 34 to age 42)      11/2
  Emphasis on spiritual inspiration, beauty, Mastery of true
  love/illusion, overcoming self-limitations.

  SECOND CHALLENGE (from 34 to age 42)        3
  You are learning to develop your talents; be more disciplined and
  positive without being unrealistic.

  THIRD PINNACLE (from 43 to age 51)       19/1
  Emphasis on healing old karmic doubts and fears; inventions, writing,
  and building independent business.

  THIRD CHALLENGE (from 43 to age 51)         3
  You are learning to develop your talents; be more disciplined and
  positive without being unrealistic.

  FOURTH PINNACLE (from 52 to end of life)    5
  Emphasis on travel, consulting, media, promotion, multi-tasking,
  career/family balance, self-discipline.

  FOURTH CHALLENGE (from 52 to end of life)   3
  You are learning to develop your talents; be more disciplined and
  positive without being unrealistic.

                               PERSONAL YEAR

  Personal Year 2013                          5
  It's a year of uncertainty, opportunity, and unexpected change, so be
  ready to go with the flow.  Changes bring new life and often increases
  income.  Listen to intuition and be prepared to take short trips where
  you meet new people or come home re-energized.  AVOID; Staying in a rut;
  scattering your attention; promising more than you can fulfill; being
  too busy to exercise or see your mate; stubbornness.  Action Months:
  April, May, September.


  WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE, Katheryn Hudson! 

  Your Life Chart is based on the ancient system of Pythagorean
  numerology. Pythagoras, who lived about 600 B.C. in the
  Mediterranean, taught that the Universe is ordered by numbers. This
  chart is a blueprint of what your Soul has in mind for this
  lifetime-complete with a list of your strengths, predominate character
  traits, blind spots, lessons, and indicators of major transitions.
  Each lifetime has its own purpose, although it isn't as easy to
  understand as just finding the right job title. You would not have
  been born unless you had a purpose to fulfill. Your Soul selected
  your parents, race, body type, birth location, and early environment
  in order to set the stage for your life's lessons. Other Souls have
  agreed to show up and play a part in your Destiny.
  If you are trying to find a career that feels on purpose, look to what
  you love to do and what comes naturally and easily (perhaps described 
  by your Heart's Desire number). As you read about yourself, imagine
  that your Soul is communicating a sense of your higher
  purpose. Highlight ideas that really resonate. Jot down the date, so
  that in future readings, you can see how your perceptions have
  changed. Meditate on the descriptions that really speak to your
  There are many ways to analyze your name and birth date in order to
  get a well-rounded picture of who you are. It is not unusual to feel
  that you can't figure out your chart, or that there are contradictory
  descriptions. Don't get discouraged.
  those who know you well are able to recognize certain predominate
  characteristics in your nature (e.g., shy or social; quiet or
  assertive; scientific or artistic), different kinds of events will
  bring out different aspects of yourself.
  NEVER HAVE HAD A CHANCE TO DEVELOP. The numbers of your chart suggest
  your potential, but it's up to you to develop yourself.
  INFLUENCE OF OTHER NUMBERS. While the computer is great for
  calculating positions accurately, it has no ability to "weight" the
  various expressions of personality.
  Highlight those parts of the chart that resonate as true, and write
  them down on index cards to remind yourself of who you are-especially
  at times of important decisions (marriage or job change). Review your
  cards from time to time.
  Whenever you need inspiration, open your chart randomly and see what
  leaps off the page.
  If some information seems totally wrong or inconsistent, try to keep
  an open mind. For example, maybe events in the past precluded the
  development of these traits. Another possibility might be that you
  are not yet ready to accept this information. Reread the chart in six
  to nine months. Notice how the descriptions feel at that time.
  Make a check mark on those things that do NOT fit you. In your
  journal, write a heading that says, WHO I AM on one page, and list the
  ideas in your chart that you identify as true. Make another heading
  on another page that says, WHAT I DO NOT SEE ABOUT MYSELF. Under this
  heading, jot down those parts of the chart that do NOT seem like you
  at all. Just doing this exercise could reveal something useful at
  this time.
  Your chart contains a forecast about probable events during the
  current year, plus an overview of the entire life through the
  Pinnacles and Challenges. If you are making important decisions about
  moving, changing jobs, or getting married, use the monthly forecasts
  to help plan in alignment with the flow of your cycles. However,
  don't let the monthly descriptions override your experience and
  intuition. Look back after a month is over, and see how accurately
  actual events mirrored the description. This will help you confirm
  for yourself that you are in the flow!
  Don't read your forecasts too far into the future. Always keep your
  mind on what you want, not what you don't want. While your major
  characteristics are not going to change, you can update your monthly
  forecast for two years at a time by calling our office at (510)
  528-2226 or


  The Day of Birth       -- A strong character trait

  Birth Path             -- Your natural tendencies, abilities, and
                            attitude toward the world

  Destiny                -- The purpose, goal, and direction of your
                            life; what you will tackle and manifest

  Realization            -- Your ultimate achievement in life

  Heart's Desire         -- Your inner motivation and most cherished
                            values; what you choose to undertake

  Personality            -- How others perceive you

  Habit Challenge        -- Your blind spot; what you overdo or don't 
                            do enough of

  Karmic Lessons         -- Areas to develop; life magnetizes these 
                            experiences to you for growth

  Balance of Temperament -- How you express physically, mentally,
                            emotionally, and intuitively

  The Pinnacles          -- The four phases of your life describing
                            potential environment, people, and 

  The Challenges         -- Companions of the Pinnacles, the Challenges 
                            define lessons and liabilities you must 
  Personal Year          -- What you must accomplish during the course
                            of the year

  Personal Month         -- What to expect and what to do month by month

  In Case You Were Wondering...
  THE PRIMARY LIFE CHART is calculated from the original name given at
  birth, exactly as spelled on the birth certificate. It is ALWAYS in
  effect, because that is who you are even though you may not be using
  that name anymore.


  Your Day of Birth sets the tone of your personality-whether it is as 
  a leader, a good friend and listener, a teacher, an adventurer, or an
  executive in the world of business.

  If the following description of your Day of Birth does not seem to 
  fit you, it may be that other numbers in your name or birthday mask 
  the effects of this number.

  Katheryn, being born on the 25th indicates a very strong intuitive
  ability to tap into knowledge not obtained by book learning. This
  openness to inner guidance also makes you somewhat more
  impressionable than more earthy, practical types. Solitude and
  meditation or just plain hiking in nature helps you stay sane and
  balance the intensity of your emotions. You may be hard for others 
  to understand. You can be extremely talented in artistic or musical
  fields and have a great rapport with animals. You may even choose to
  be a veterinarian. There may be difficult times (especially around
  ages 27 and 28) when you will find some kind of therapy valuable in
  assisting your personal growth. There may be a bisexual nature. Do
  not cut yourself off from friends or family when you are feeling
  melancholy. Find a stable diet and exercise routine.

                        BIRTH PATH - NATURAL SELF

        Who am I? What do I do best? What are my natural abilities?


  The Birthpath is the sum of all your birth date numbers.

  The Birthpath describes who you are--your natural tendencies,
  abilities, and attitude toward the world. It is the unchangeable
  aspect of your chart, and therefore denotes your basic and eternal
  Even though you may have the same Birthpath number as someone else,
  differences in the month, day and/or year will account for variations
  you may see between their abilities and attitudes and yours.


  expressive                       chatterbox
  easygoing                        lazy
  social                           superficial
  charming                         flattering
  visionary                        no follow through                    
  friendly                         back-biting
  colorful                         eccentric

  As a Three, you have a talent for visualization and for making
  others see Possibilities-sometime believing your own rhetoric!
  Open-hearted, you want everybody to be happy. Many friends and a
  sense of belonging are vital to your well-being.

  You love the easy life - pleasure and spontaneity. You often work
  with luxury items or in decorative fields--flowers, color, toys,
  fashion, food, or the media. The lifestyle and pace of the
  entertainment world would be a natural environment for you.

  Always looking for a shortcut, you have a tendency to sidestep the
  practical aspects of living unless you can see a direct benefit to
  yourself or others. You may want to put things off, to live in the
  moment. You have a knack for convincing others and can even fall for
  your own rhetoric. You give things away easily, knowing more will
  come your way. In business, your carefree attitude may alienate more
  serious types. Cultivating social contacts contributes greatly to
  your success, so be sure the dues are paid up for your networking

  You have great energy and vitality and a need for stimulation and
  diversity. Completion is not the most important aspect of a project
  to you.
  Generally, the Three Birthpath is one of positive outward expression
  and only becomes negative when a sense of humor is lost or where
  opportunities are left unfulfilled through lack of
  follow-through. Out of balance you tend to be over-talkative,
  self-indulgent, escapist, reckless, or profligate. Surprisingly
  vulnerable to outside criticism, you may react to a comment in a
  childish, impulsive manner, later regretting your words, but
  rationalizing your behavior.

  A natural flirt and romantic, you enjoy the trappings of courtship
  more than the responsibilities of marriage. You are more generous
  with your possessions than with yourself. It is easy for you to "go
  with the flow" because your natural psychic guidance usually 
  manages to bring you out on top in difficult situations.


      What is my goal in life? What will I be most successful doing?
                 What is the best direction to take?
                What will be my major accomplishment?

  Your Destiny number describes what you have been born to accomplish.
  It shows the type of person you may become and the purpose you must
  fulfill. Your Destiny provides certain types of opportunities that
  will most likely lead you to success. It shows the kind of lifestyle
  or environment you will be drawn to. It outlines what talents you
  will need to accomplish your Soul's purpose.

  The full Destiny is the sum of all the values of the letters of your
  Birth Name. However, each name has its own sub-destiny (see the front
  sheet of your chart where you see one word opposite each name). Your
  first name gives you the most personal lessons; your middle name often
  contains hidden abilities you do not consciously try to develop (or
  ones you do not like); and your last name carries the characteristics
  shared by your whole family.


  What You Need to Develop for Success:

  Intellectual understanding
  A strong network
  Avoiding any tendency toward destructive criticism, blame, or regret
  Avoiding arrogance and elitism

  Your Destiny, Katheryn, is the Karmic number 19 -- a special number
  which suggests that you chose a life where you would be forced to
  stand on your own, develop original ideas, or stand up for honesty and
  integrity. Your path of opportunity brings you important choices in
  life that have long-term consequences. You may be very talented, but
  have few resources with which to develop them, or perhaps your ideas
  may be ahead of their time, or in conflict with traditional
  thinking. You will learn to stand on your own two feet amidst
  controversy or because you are a pioneer. Some celebrities show this
  number in their charts, and have triumphed over humiliations, public
  scorn, or loss of self-confidence.
  Sometimes there is a reckless nature that must be tamed, but more
  often there is a certain timidity in becoming a leader or publicly
  visible. You will have chances to break new ground, explore, invent,
  and stand up for high ideals. If you are bent on the negative side of
  life, self-indulgence, laziness, pride, arrogance, and lack of
  spiritual understanding will bring you down. A Karmic Destiny usually
  attracts other people with whom there is unfinished business from past

  You have strong leadership ability, but often decide to stay in the
  background for fear of perhaps being thought of as too ambitious,
  aggressive, or selfish.  Since 19 is a karmic number, it suggests that
  you may have suffered public humiliation in past lives.  Therefore, you
  are not too eager to be in such a visible position again.  You may
  wonder why other people get the credit for things you said, did, or
  designed! Perhaps you don't really take your ideas seriously enough and
  persevere to completion.
  Your fears of being "too forward" may lie in early childhood incidents
  where you were suppressed for your natural high energy and intelligence.
  Fear of public speaking may be keeping you in positions below your true
  ability.  You may tell yourself something is "too much trouble" instead
  of reaching for a higher goal, because you fear ever having people
  criticize your work.  You may dream of winning writing awards, but are
  so critical of every sentence, you never write a word--or show your
  writing to anyone!  You hope to always live a life of honesty and
  integrity.  You hope to be admired for something special.  You enjoy
  meeting celebrities and outstanding people.

                      REALIZATION OR ULTIMATE GOAL

  The Realization is sometimes called the Ultimate Goal of your life.
  It is found by adding together the Birth path number (who you are)
  with the Destiny number (the road you will travel or the likely path
  of success). The Realization number seems to indicate the kind of
  person you will be or the lifestyle you will have in your later 
  years. It might be seen as what you have learned or accomplished 
  through all your experiences, or a significant part of your 

  Katheryn, you have dealt with serious issues all your life, but now
  in maturity, people sense your inner poise and self-confidence to a
  new degree. You do not brag about yourself, but take comfort in
  family ties, a chance to teach a little of what you know so well, and
  simple things. You feel that you have not avoided the struggles of
  life, and know what it means to keep a promise. You have worked long
  and hard, and feel that, while you could always have done more, you
  have made a difference in peoples' lives through attention to good
  organization, system, and hard work. Your life has not been easy, but
  you blame no one for what has happened, realizing there are no
  accidents. You have been the one that others depended on.
  You value order, hard work, and good planning.


               What motivates me? What is most important to me?
                        How do I make my decisions?
  The Heart's Desire describes your inner motivations - your values and
  how you set your priorities. The Destiny number shows what you
  MUST do, the Heart's Desire shows you what you WANT to do. Will you
  embrace your Destiny? Or will you resist that Destiny, and want to do
  something different?  Your Heart's Desire is one of the most
  influential numbers in your life. Its influence can support, conflict
  with, or be neutral in regards to your life path.

  Think of your Heart's Desire as your instinctive decision-maker.
  People who don't know you well will probably not see this part of your
  nature, although certainly good friends and family will be very
  familiar with what you love and care about. Look back on some of the
  major turning points in your life. On what did you base your important
  choices? For example, in your last job decision did you opt for great
  working conditions, creative and friendly co-workers, improved status,
  or a higher salary? Those things that were most important to you are
  indications of your Heart's Desire. You don't have to worry about
  developing this number. It just is.

  Knowing your Heart's Desire helps to clarify what's REALLY important
  to you. Whenever you can, make choices in alignment with what your
  Heart whispers to you.

  Heart's Desire is the sum of all the vowels in your first, middle and
  last names.

  Your Six Heart's Desire, Katheryn, means that you must feel useful
  to be happy. Your drive is towards security, home, and family. You can
  even be rather territorial about family, your living area, or your
  possessions. You have strong morals, and you value traditions,
  holidays, and rituals. Always willing to help out and take
  responsibility, you may get involved a little too much with other
  people's wrongdoings or bad habits.
  Prone to anxiety, you worry about a lot of little things and are
  affected by news articles concerning poverty, accidents, and the
  deterioration of the family.
  Your friends and family are at the top of your priorities, and while
  you enjoy doing favors for others, you dislike being indebted or
  asking for favors for yourself. You try to plan ahead for every
  eventuality, so that you can feel in control of your environment. You
  enjoy teaching others how to do things (the right way!).
  Since you are fairly idealistic about love and who you want to marry,
  be careful that you don't become too critical of everyone-which may
  prevent you from the delights of a give and take (or
  less-than-perfect) relationship. Sometimes you are attracted to
  unusual people with a bohemian flair, since you are usually rather
  more strait-laced. With your natural desire to be responsible and in
  control, you would benefit by developing faith in the beneficence of
  the universe. Learn to let go.
  You are happiest when you are cooking, teaching, training, beautifying
  the environment in which you live, gardening, giving someone a
  massage, or singing. You are drawn to community and charitable work.


            How do people see me? What impression do I give?
            How does my Personality help me achieve success?
         Does my Personality hinder me from getting what I want?


  Your Personality number reveals how you appear to others. The people
  around you -- coworkers, friends, family -- may not know your Destiny
  or Heart's Desire, but chances are they can describe you and your
  attributes. This is the information revealed in the Personality
  number. Unlike other major numbers, which may define deep,
  seldom-glimpsed traits, your Personality number may even describe a
  social mask you use to protect yourself.

  Personality is the sum of all the consonants in your first, middle and
  last names.


  Katheryn, you have the Master Number Twenty-two personality number.
  This means that people instinctively feel they can turn to you in
  times of need. You are the type who is seen as practical, reliable,
  and very conscientious. You are often drawn to people with unusual
  ideas, who think differently, and who want to change the world.

  Be careful not to fall into negative rigid thinking, for example,
  living in a cult, because of your commitment to your ideal. You
  may be entrusted with great responsibility throughout your life, or
  you may feel anxious because you instinctively feel your were born to
  carry out a great mission, but not know what it is! This is a
  common feeling for the Twenty-two, as it feels great responsibility to
  make a big contribution to the world. You usually appear to others as
  solid, earthy, and dependable, while also possessing a great wealth of
  expertise in new technologies, psychological methods, or building

                  What habitual response do I have that
                      might be considered negative?

  The Habit Challenge defines an area of your personality you may wish
  to improve or use more often.

  Habit Challenge is a tendency, which can be either over-developed
  (becoming too much of a good thing) or a under-developed, leading to
  limitations in your effectiveness. The challenge is to balance
  yourself between the two extremes of the Habit Challenge number, and
  express the best qualities most of the time. For instance, if your
  Habit Challenge happened to be a Two (which, at its best is
  understanding and helpful), you might at times be too sensitive and
  timid--letting others take advantage of you. At other times, perhaps
  under stress, you might be abrupt and thoughtless, needing to remember
  that patience and diplomacy may be much more helpful in the long run.

  No matter what your Habit Challenge number, you will exhibit either
  side of the quality depending on circumstances.

  Habit Challenge is the number of letters in your first, middle and
  last names.


  Your Habit Challenge of 5 indicates that you are often restless and
  impatient. Your "grass is always greener on the other side" attitude
  could pose a problem to steady relationships and routine jobs.
  When you feel good about yourself, you are flexible and open, yet
  practical. When under stress you might tend to be rigid or to hang on
  to outmoded beliefs. You may often feel you have too many interests,
  and yet resist going through with any one of them out of a fear of the
  unknown. You may have a problem with overindulgence--over-eating,
  drinking, gambling, sex, or drugs. Learn to structure your life so you
  have freedom to explore without causing serious disruption to the
  productive aspects of your life.

  If you have satisfied your curiosity or gotten what you wanted out of
  the project, don't feel you have to finish it. The main purpose of the
  Five is to explore, experience, touch.

              What are my special talents and abilities?
           Is my name unusually weighted in any direction?
                       Am I missing any traits?
  While your major numbers (such as Destiny and Birthpath) are patterns
  that guide and mold your overall direction in life, the individual 
  letters of your name sometimes highlight a theme by being absent 
  (Karmic lessons) or by being represented several times (Specialties).

  When letters occur several times in your chart, we call these your
  Specialties. Having an abundance of a certain number usually means 
  this quality is a distinctive trait in your nature.  Some names have 
  a fairly balanced number of letters, and no particular number stands 

  On the other hand, your name may not have certain numbers. Missing
  numbers are usually an indication that you are going to develop this
  quality in life.  It is very likely that life provides you with 
  exactly the right situations in which to develop your Karmic lessons.
  Karmic lessons are somewhat like a blind spot or something in which 
  you are not very interested.  They should not be considered as big 
  problems!  If you have no missing letters, then you have a wide range 
  of talents to use in life, and have no defined Karmic challenges.
  Notice if any of your CHALLENGES or PINNACLES are the same as your
  KARMIC LESSONS. Success will be easier if you really develop and
  express the quality of that missing number!

  Since One appears in your name TWO TO FOUR TIMES -- you have a good
  ability to get things done, to lead without being too dominating. You
  are honest, assertive, outspoken.

  Since letters valued at Two (B, K, T) appear in your name THREE OR
  MORE TIMES -- you are shy (at first), sensitive, and can be very
  self-conscious. If male, you tend to have a well-developed feminine
  side and to be receptive, patient, and highly considerate of
  others. You have an exceptional ability to do things well and perform
  technical or detail work with much patience. Often sentimental, you
  love to accumulate and collect.
  Beauty, color, and friendship are very important to you. You are
  attracted to others who are sensitive, but more outgoing than
  yourself. You may have artistic talent (in photography) or musical
  ability (especially with stringed instruments or drums), and love
  theater and ballet. Spirituality is essential for you.
  A weakness may be that you give in to others too readily or fear new
  situations and people. You can be anxious or a nit-picker.

  Since the letters for the number Five (N, E, and W) appear in your
  name at least FIVE OR MORE TIMES - this indicates a highly energetic
  nature and ability to try new things. You very likely are an
  exceptionally successful salesperson or people person, able to
  generate enthusiasm and influence others. You also may be impulsive,
  spontaneous, and perhaps even hyper-energetic.
  Restless, active, curious, willing to take risks, you may move on to
  new fields before completing old projects. Typically unconventional,
  usually not very domestic, you really value your time and freedom. You
  need work with variety or travel. A woman who has many Fives may be
  seen as argumentative (being naturally independent and forthright),
  while a man may merely be considered bold and slightly obnoxious!
  Many letters of the five vibration may indicate a tendency to
  self-indulgence and even addiction (sex, food, drink, gambling,
  incessant moving).

  Since you have three or more letters in your name representing the
  number Eight (H, Q, or Z) you are an extremely hard-working
  person. However, you may feel you have more than your fair share of
  confrontations with strong-minded or argumentative people throughout
  life. Your leadership ability encourages you to easily rise up in
  corporate or administrative structures. You could attain a high rank,
  or gravitate toward professional status in a number of traditional
  occupations where facts, figures, finance, strength, courage, and
  physical power are important.


                 How do I operate at the everyday level?

  Let's face it, Katheryn, you do like to live well! Good food,
  candlelight and wine, nice furniture, well-made shoes and clothes, a
  bookshelf filled with books delight your soul. Naturally sympathetic,
  you have a strong urge to find solutions to problems. People turn to
  you for advice. You are exceptionally responsible, and others may
  depend on you. You like to create a warm and cozy home where you can
  invite friends for dinner. Hobbies which appeal to you are gardening,
  painting, cooking, sewing, pets, and even healing with herbs! To be
  happy, you must feel useful, and your work usually involves teaching
  or some kind of service. You may have to really push yourself to
  exercise, and may put on weight more easily than you'd like. Your warm
  nature attracts people to you as life-long friends.


  Katheryn, you are a very deep thinker and require regular and
  frequent periods of solitude to read and study. An exceptional
  researcher or diagnostician, you observe the subtleties of life. Your
  fascination for unusual people and subjects makes you prone to
  eccentricity. Your views will always differ from those around
  you. You work best alone and have the ability to understand almost any
  subject from mathematics to astronomy to deep sea diving. Your
  intuition is extremely strong, but you are very skeptical, and perhaps
  enjoy arguing as a social bonding activity! You are something of a


  The total number of B, K, T, C, L, U, F, O, and X's in your name adds
  up to the number SEVEN, which indicates that your emotions run deeply
  and often silently. You may be slow to recognize what is bothering
  you. You need periods of quiet time to allow your true feelings to
  surface. You may also be reluctant to share your feelings with your
  partner, perhaps thinking you should figure it about before talking
  about it, or assuming that your mate can read your mind!
  Actually, you are very intuitive and your hunches about someone will
  be right on. Since you admire intelligence and expertise, you may be
  attracted to someone older or who exudes an authoritative air; you
  admire culture and refinement and may fall in love with a
  foreigner. Highly observant without seeming so, the behavior of others
  is a major source of interest to you. You can be distant, sarcastic
  and aloof when you don't feel appreciated, but are never a boring
  Be sure to live in a home where you can shut the door to your study
  and have time to yourself to read, meditate, reflect, watch movies, or
  research a favorite project.


  Katheryn, you have excellent psychic ability since your ability to
  visualize and imagine is so strong. Your insight into other peoples'
  inner workings allows you to be exceptionally able to persuade them to
  your point of view-or to buy your service or product! You have a gift
  for story telling, and an optimistic nature. However, you may have a
  sensitivity to being considered superficial. You easily see the humor
  in any situation, especially about yourself.

                      PINNACLES AND WHAT THEY MEAN

  The Pinnacles and their corresponding Challenges represent the four
  major phases of your lifetime. The Pinnacles of your chart describe
  your response to the environment, people, events, and experiences you
  will encounter during their influence.

  Generally, the Pinnacle number is considered a benevolent force.
  Pinnacles may be especially fortunate if they are the same number as
  your Destiny, Birth Path, or Heart's Desire number (check the front
  page of your chart to see if any of these major numbers are the same
  as a Pinnacle).

                     THE MEANING OF THE CHALLENGES
  While the Pinnacles describe the events and environment of your life,
  the corresponding Challenges describe the inner limitations, fears, or
  handicaps with which you may be grappling while their influence is in
  Keep in mind the following:
  If your Challenge number is the same as your Destiny number, you may
  initially experience setbacks in finding the right vocation. However,
  if you embrace and develop the best aspects of the Challenge number,
  you will be able to carry out your Destiny.
  If your Challenge is the same number as your Birth Path, your success
  comes from expressing yourself and your talent clearly, without
  apology. You have exactly what is needed for success as long as you
  develop the qualities of that Challenge number.
  If your Challenge is the same number as your Heart's Desire, you will
  be highly motivated to tackle your weak spots and acquire the
  necessary training to overcome any obstacles to success. You are
  likely to feel good about life at the end of that period.
  If your Challenge repeats for two or more times (your description will
  be repeated), you have a longer time to work on perfecting your
  Now...find out what is in store for you!


  Katheryn, your First Pinnacle of EIGHT Pinnacle began at birth,
  giving you early lessons about working hard to achieve goals. EIGHT
  stands for money, power, and authority. Perhaps your family had money
  and status, or hold a prominent position in the community. Your
  father or mother may have been a professional or a business owner,
  with high expectations for your future. Whatever the case, the
  influence of EIGHT encourages you to prove yourself.
  Eager to be an adult, you may have been known as a young "go-getter,"
  and you went to work early-or even started your own small business!
  In school, you could have been a high achiever, class president,
  valedictorian, or an outstanding athlete. If musically inclined, you
  might have started your own band or played professionally at an early
  age. A First Pinnacle of EIGHT may also develop in you a strong
  sense of justice, which will remain important to you throughout
  life. Whatever you undertake, you do it exceptionally well.However,
  you might have a slight tendency to judge people who are not as
  motivated as you are.
  In the career area, your natural milieu under the EIGHT influence is:
  any profession such as law, physician, engineer, mathematician,
  architect, contractor, business owner, or manager in a corporation or
  institution. Even in youth you may be the supervisor at MacDonald's!
  The lessons of the EIGHT happen in the realm of money, power, and
  authority. You learn about setting goals and making decisions and
  learning to live with the consequences. You value efficiency and
  self-accountability, but also may have tests and challenges about the
  ethics of some of your decisions. Work addiction is sometimes a
  problem when you are trying to establish a solid foundation. In this
  case, personal relationships will suffer.
  You may marry during this period, as you like the credibility and
  status that comes with a good marriage. Perhaps you marry someone
  higher on the social ladder than yourself, or who has a good deal of
  pressure to measure up; professional examinations; large financial
  risk; inability to listen to others' good advice; a harsh or
  unforgiving attitude; pomposity; grandiose goals; ostentatious living;
  too much emphasis on money and status; social climbing; financial
  hardship; extreme physical demands for athletic training; aggressive
  or overly-competitive attitudes.

  During a Six Challenge, Katheryn, you are learning to be
  responsible and serve others. It is a time of great caring and
  nurturing. You may have a family that requires much from you; you may
  teach or counsel. You cannot avoid giving to others.
  A pitfall of the Six Challenge is the tendency to be too stubborn and
  set in your opinions. You will experience nothing but frustration if
  you insist on running everyone else's life. This may be a time of the
  domineering parent where your idea of "what is best" for others is
  based on your own need to control. Be careful not to feel like a
  martyr. Strive to create a warm and beautiful environment at
  home. Cultivate traditional values and celebrate rituals. You might
  use this energy in community work. Be a Volunteer, a Big Brother or
  Big Sister. Care for elderly parents with compassion and gratitude.


  Katheryn, during this second Pinnacle, the influence of the ELEVEN
  (also TWO) indicates that you will be surrounded by many people and
  complex relationships. Typically, life moves rather slowly and
  predictably, as this period teaches you patience, although sudden life
  changes may come through someone you live with. You may allow things
  to drift rather than rock the boat, especially if you are married to a
  person with a stronger personality. If you are an entertainer, you
  might be married to your manager!
  Marriage or long-term partnership-even a business partnership--is
  highly likely during this influence. Even if you are not involved with
  anyone, you still long for this type of emotional connection. Romantic
  love is usually present if you are willing to socialize and commit to
  doing what it takes to make relationships work! However, don't ignore
  the red flags that tell you this person is not right for you just to
  have a relationship.
  You have opportunities for being in the public eye-even though your
  greatest fear is public speaking! ELEVENS find themselves thrust into
  the limelight-on radio, film, TV, or on the speaking platform. You
  are drawn to spiritual psychology, metaphysics, film or literary
  criticism, but may pay the rent by being a computer programmer, a
  lighting designer on film sets, an actor, a television personality,
  comedienne, minister, agent, producer, or motivational speaker. You
  find yourself in many situations which require patience, tact, and
  collaboration. Marriage and business partnerships are strongly
  indicated during an Eleven. Since ELEVEN has to do with light and
  inspiration, you may be also quite happy in psychology or metaphysical
  fields such as astrology, numerology, and psychic work.
  At times, you may want to move forward in a project, but experience
  frustrating setbacks. Often you are forced to wait through a
  difficult period, but in the long run, it gives you time to develop
  more experience and confidence. Income may not be high, but through
  savings and careful management you are able to create a good sense of
  In terms of traditional careers, ELEVEN favors computer programming,
  graphic art, teaching, psychology, any type of counseling, modeling,
  acting, beauty work, work with women, massage therapy, and energetic
  POSSIBLE FLAWS OR PROBLEMS: Impracticality; craving fame; love of
  glamour; boredom; impatience; people-pleasing; timidity; lack of
  opportunities; lack of money; an overbearing female family member;
  excessive fear or caution; blaming others. It is wise to pay careful
  attention to your health during this time; your recovery may be slow
  and you must be sure to get plenty of sleep and reduce stress.

  During a Three Challenge, Katheryn, you have an urge for
  self-expression, whether it is in the form of painting, dancing,
  writing, performing, or speaking. Go with the flow while still
  exercising self-discipline to accomplish goals.
  Avoid a tendency to scatter your energy, over-talk your plans, or
  avoid your feelings. There will be much social interaction during this
  period and maybe some flirtations. Being authentic and speaking up
  when necessary is all-important. Your imagination may be working
  overtime, so don't make promises you know you can't keep.
  Write down thoughts and goals in a journal for your eyes only. Put 
  time into developing your talents. Cultivate friendships; travel. 
  Avoid thoughtless negative comments, criticisms, or gossip. Try to 
  maintain a positive attitude. Do not overestimate your ability or 
  the claims of others.


  Katheryn, since your Third Pinnacle is the KARMIC NINETEEN (also
  reducing to One) success might come more easily if you also have a ONE
  Destiny, Birthpath, or Heart's Desire. If you lack the letters A, J,
  or S in your name, you may have to struggle to free yourself from your
  Typically, you are assertive and innovative under the influence of a
  NINETEEN/One Pinnacle. Now that you are well into your adult life, and
  you have much experience, your career may allow you to invent a new
  process or product, discover something previously unknown, or redesign
  an outmoded system. You may now establish your own business or
  develop a talent in a way that you have not been able to do so
  far. You may win an award, write a play, or overcome a physical
  problem. You either feel confident and successful, or you fear that
  you will never reach the heights to which you feel entitled. You also
  may have unusual friends with whom you have an intense bond. You may
  have had unusual synchronicities that have opened doors
  unexpectedly. You are learning the lesson to be true to yourself in
  the face of little support.
  Because of the Karmic challenge, you may still suffer from being shy
  and unable to get out of your shell. You may feel that you are being
  unfairly overlooked, and that other people received the credit you
  deserved. You may be involved in an unexpected class action suit or
  legal fray. Even though a bad personal decision may have had dire
  consequences, you turn your luck around through your innate
  intelligence, good humor, and courage.
  This period is a good time to apply yourself to being all you can be.
  While you may resist being in a committed relationship because being
  single is so much easier for you, you may fall in love with someone
  special who excels in his or her career.
  You prefer to be self-employed, but you may be tempted to take on a
  partner in business. Be very careful in choosing the right person.
  Listen to your intuition. This period bodes well for writers or other
  creative people. You tend to move to the top of whatever field you
  have chosen.
  POSSIBLE FLAWS OR PROBLEMS: Impatience, arrogance, dishonesty. You may
  have to make many attempts to get just the right tone for your
  product, book, or service to succeed. You may be slightly ahead of
  your time in your ideas, or going against conventional thinking.
  Risk, lack of good judgment, and feeling alone are all possible

  During a Three Challenge, Katheryn, you have an urge for
  self-expression, whether it is in the form of painting, dancing,
  writing, performing, or speaking. Go with the flow while still
  exercising self-discipline to accomplish goals.
  Avoid a tendency to scatter your energy, over-talk your plans, or
  avoid your feelings. There will be much social interaction during this
  period and maybe some flirtations. Being authentic and speaking up
  when necessary is all-important. Your imagination may be working
  overtime, so don't make promises you know you can't keep.
  Write down thoughts and goals in a journal for your eyes only. Put 
  time into developing your talents. Cultivate friendships; travel. 
  Avoid thoughtless negative comments, criticisms, or gossip. Try to 
  maintain a positive attitude. Do not overestimate your ability or 
  the claims of others.


  Katheryn, since your FIVE Pinnacle occurs in your last Pinnacle,
  you may be ready now to make some important changes in your life so
  that you can have more freedom. This might mean early retirement,
  change of career, children leaving home, or more time and money for
  travel-or even separation or divorce.
  Your life plan gives you a change to completely change your life in
  maturity through the influences of the volatile FIVE Pinnacle.
  Perhaps you find yourself single again. Sex (and the ability to have
  it!) and romance may occupy a lot of your thinking, and travel to
  exotic locales will be high on your list of priorities. Don't expect
  to be at home too often. You'll be excited about the future and what
  you can develop as your children are getting ready to leave the
  nest. You may be thinking of moving to smaller quarters to reduce time
  spent in maintenance, or, on the other hand, you may even start a
  whole new family!
  If you are changing careers, consider two things: 1) Self-employment;
  2) An unusual approach or practice. The FIVE is creating a strong
  desire for more freedom in your life and more expression of your
  unique talents and interests. However, you must master the art of
  marketing to the right demographic. Occupations dealing with the
  public, innovative health products (multi-level marketing?), becoming
  an acupuncturist or body worker, organizing eco-tours, or becoming a
  free-lance writer or correspondent are all possibilities. Other more
  traditional fields are indicated in communications, retail sales,
  advertising, performing, broadcasting, the Internet, travel, or a
  small catering business. Don't burn any bridges (vocational or
  domestic) based on your urges to explore.
  As a Last Pinnacle, the FIVE suggests that you will be active,
  healthy, busy, and unburdened by financial or domestic worries.
  POTENTIAL PROBLEMS, FLAWS, OR SETBACKS: Lack of freedom or lack of
  meaningful direction; excessive drug or alcohol use; saying "yes" to
  too many interests; restlessness without action; fear of making a
  change; staying in a relationship after it's over or loss of
  relationship through affairs; physical or sexual issues; having to
  learn a new system or technical process; being left behind; quitting
  before success is achieved; and having to deal with too much
  unexpected change.

  During a Three Challenge, Katheryn, you have an urge for
  self-expression, whether it is in the form of painting, dancing,
  writing, performing, or speaking. Go with the flow while still
  exercising self-discipline to accomplish goals.
  Avoid a tendency to scatter your energy, over-talk your plans, or
  avoid your feelings. There will be much social interaction during this
  period and maybe some flirtations. Being authentic and speaking up
  when necessary is all-important. Your imagination may be working
  overtime, so don't make promises you know you can't keep.
  Write down thoughts and goals in a journal for your eyes only. Put 
  time into developing your talents. Cultivate friendships; travel. 
  Avoid thoughtless negative comments, criticisms, or gossip. Try to 
  maintain a positive attitude. Do not overestimate your ability or 
  the claims of others.

                    PERSONAL YEAR ANALYSIS FOR 2013

  Katheryn, you are currently in a Five Personal Year:
  Take a look at what needs changing in your routine or lifestyle
  Take change as a necessary event instead of fearing it
  Enjoy your body and sensuality
  Be careful signing contracts without due diligence
  Increase time spent exercising
  Promote your business on a wider scale
  Do something new that you've always wanted to do
  Research what fascinates you
  Not make promises unless you really are committed
  Visualize success instead of crying "poor me"
  Imagine money in your mailbox
  Play more with friends and young people
  Be active, outgoing, personable, and question authority!
  CHALLENGES: Being over-committed, distractions, being adaptable but
  resenting it, a "why not" attitude, over-indulgence, impatience and
  impulsiveness, chocolate, sex.
  ACTION MONTHS: April, May, August, September
  A Five Personal Year is very often a year of changes. You are in the
  middle of a nine-year cycle, so expect surprises which will advance
  your destiny, especially in May and September.
  Be flexible now as the unexpected arises; follow your curiosity. After
  the restriction of your previous year, you are more likely to feel
  optimistic about taking action. Spring would be an excellent time to
  take the trip for which you planned and saved last year. Be prepared
  for changes or delays during travel.
  If you are not sure about a decision in your personal or professional
  matters, take your time and don't burn any bridges. You're more
  likely now to speak before thinking-possibly to your regret.
  With an increase in options and optimism comes an increase in your
  energy level, and you may find a new job or career comes your way.
  Since a Five brings restlessness and a desire to throw caution to the
  winds, married people are sometimes tempted to stray from their vows.
  Be aware of what needs changing in yourself and your relationship
  before making a unilateral decision you could regret.
  The Five also represents the power to disseminate ideas more publicly.
  If you have been hanging back thinking you still need time to develop
  your ideas, try some of them on people in your circle, and keep
  widening your circle. Don't be so modest or shy-- promote and
  publicize yourself and your projects. Make the effort to get out, meet
  people, and shake hands. People are attracted by your energy and
  If you find yourself always tired, eating fast food, eating in
  expensive restaurants instead of at home, or drinking too much, you
  may be compensating from being over-committed and exhausted. Enjoy
  this exciting period, but use your energy constructively. The sense of
  change is very strong, but it's good to be aware of two important
  challenges with Number Five. The first is that you might
  procrastinate because you feel both too busy to start something new
  and also too tired (due to the busyness) to explore something
  different. What to do?  Simplify your schedule, free yourself from
  something that needs to go, and let go of trying to control anything.
  It could be a wild ride around May or September, but remember that
  it's time to weed out the inessential and add some new spice.
  January (Six Personal Month) -- RESPONSIBILITY. Take care of your
  family, your home, and your clients. Your domestic environment may
  change. If single, you may meet your future mate. This is a good time
  to make your living situation more secure, comfortable, or
  harmonious. You may have a slight infirmity during the month, which
  may last a short time, or may linger (such as sinus trouble or low
  back pain) until next month.
  February (Seven Personal Month) - RESTORATION. In general, you are
  very busy this year, and should take some time for rest
  now. Reevaluate your to-do list and only do the top priorities. Let
  some things take care of themselves over time. In career life, market
  research about your audience pays off. Don't worry if you are
  unemployed; money will come when you need it most. You may have strong
  doubts about something now, which will be cleared up next month. This
  is a good time to read, get current about an old issue, be patient,
  and relax.
  March (Eight Personal Month) - ADVANCEMENT. If you are looking for a
  job this month, you probably will get something better than you
  expected. If you are working, expect a promotion, more money, or more
  focus on expense accounts, bank balances, and legal matters. You may
  earn more, but spend more as well on items that are an
  investment. This could be the month you have been waiting for, since
  business aspects are excellent. However, as always when making a
  long-term commitment, use good judgment and listen to your
  intuition. Do your research. Arguments and power struggles could come
  to the fore, and your anger will tell you where you need to take a
  deeper look at yourself.
  April (Nine Personal Month) - COMPLETION AND EXPANSION. Finish all
  projects. Since a lot of feelings come up, and perhaps unexpected
  turns of events, this could be a rather confusing time. You might even
  feel adrift now, restless and eager to start something, but what? Use
  your intuition. Ask your dreams for images to guide you. Take a long
  trip to get a new perspective. Get out of your rut, but don't force
  matters. Life will change enough without your pushing the river.
  During the influence of a Nine, it's always a good idea to see where
  you need to forgive yourself or others, to be tolerant, and to yield
  control to the Universe, trusting that all is happening for a reason
  you cannot yet understand or see.
  May (One Personal Month) - NEW BEGINNINGS! Very exciting
  possibilities emerge - but they are yet to be tested for
  longevity. Enjoy your new-found optimism and energy; meet new people
  and initiate something. This is a competitive time in business with
  excellent prospects for growth. May is a good month to take that first
  step in the direction that has the most positive energy for you. You
  might be designing a new manual, having an exhibit, getting cosmetic
  surgery, taking a trip to advance your career, or exploring several
  new options.
  June (Two Personal Month) - RELATIONSHIPS. Hmmm, strong romantic
  possibilities? A two usually is a time of slowing down for awhile, so
  don't think your new direction has come to a halt. You need time to
  integrate the new changes of last month, or to get to know new
  people. Small details make a big difference, so double-check that copy
  you send out, or re-read the contract. There could be temporary delays
  in receiving money. This is a good time to be more kind and receptive
  and less assertive or cantankerous. Avoid being in a rush, and drive
  carefully. Make a point to send someone a card or flowers. Keep in
  touch with those you haven't seen for awhile.
  July (Three Personal Month) - PLAY. This month brings a strong urge
  to goof off. Go ahead and take a vacation, play, or participate in a
  creative event. However, avoid spending impulsively on your credit
  card in this joyous spirit of pleasure. July could feel rather like a
  scattered month with not much accomplished, even though it seems to be
  very busy and active. Activities center around family and friends,
  business conferences, networking, romantic interludes, conversation
  and dreaming up new projects. This is a good time for creativity if
  you can stay focused.
  August (Four Personal Month) - DOWN TO BUSINESS. This month,
  responsibilities take you back to work, perhaps with a sigh. Changes
  in work schedules may bring more restrictions than feel
  comfortable. Your family calls. Pets have to be taken to the vet
  unexpectedly. Stay centered and make a to-do list, and keep checking
  off your accomplishments. This is a time to review your budget and
  savings account, and make sure you have necessary matters well in
  September (Five Personal Month) -- RESTLESSNESS. Somehow all the
  expectations of the year come flooding in on you, and you feel
  confused and scattered. Your situation might feel volatile. Something
  needs to be cleared up, but avoid being too hasty or argumentative or
  blaming in this situation. You could undo all the good work you've
  accomplished so far. You may have to travel for your work, or find
  that your work becomes more diversified, or even part-time. Promote
  yourself, perform, or sell. Do not make major decisions in this
  unstable time.
  October (Six Personal Month) - NEST-RATTLING. Unexpected changes may
  force some kind of change in your domestic scene. Are you getting
  married suddenly or having troubles in relationship(s)? Avoid letting
  people know everything you think, but follow a reasonable-rather than
  radical-course. Take care of family, or repair the house and garden.
  People appreciate you now and most of the time you feel secure and
  happy. This is a time to think of others and their needs, and see how
  you might serve in a good way for both.
  November (Seven Personal Month) - DOWN TIME. Slow down, and enjoy
  good times with those you love. This is an inward-looking time, and
  you will naturally seek a quieter environment in whatever way you can
  achieve that. Self-reflection provides several new insights this
  month. Meditation, yoga, or Tai' Chi will be good ways to listen to
  your intuition. The Seven tends to attract like-minded souls, so you
  may meet a very unusual person whom you feel you have known
  before. Expect delays in receiving money, although you may have an
  unexpected payment this month. Wait to do or start something
  important until next month.
  December (Eight Personal Month) - SUCCESS. You have excellent
  business opportunities this month as long-awaited changes arrive. You
  work hard and reap much success. This is the time for promotion,
  money, authority, supervision, and interactions with groups and
  institutions. It's likely you will buy, sell, or exchange
  property. Since you feel very feel strong and confident now, you might
  be prone to bite off more than you can chew this month. If you have
  any doubts about something, wait until after next February or March to
  make another decision. You may feel differently then than you do now.

                         TRANSITS AND ESSENCES

  DURING 2013 YOU ARE 29.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your FIRST NAME:

  Y = At this time you are interested in spiritual development or
  training. You will be thinking about how you can be more skilled, and
  may be going to school as you need to become more specialized. You
  have a need for simplicity and honesty. You will prefer your own
  company rather than being involved with superficial people, but may
  feel a bit lonely from time to tome. There is a strong need for
  introspection. You're very intuitive during this period and seem to be
  able to read people's mind.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your MIDDLE NAME:

  E = You are constantly thinking of new ideas, and don't want to be
  limited. You may be in conflict with someone who wants you to stay the
  same or not take risks. You learn about marketing and promotion. You
  are stimulated by new challenges, and there will be many ups and

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your LAST NAME:

  H = You throw yourself into accomplishing tangible goals. You are
  directed, and forceful, and usually work with big organizations. Your
  leadership is recognized and you will no doubt be working hard on your
  career rather than playing hooky. You are more interested in the
  material concerns of life than in the spiritual. However, you may do
  fund-raising for a charitable organization. You may need to become
  more assertive or credentialed during this period. Be careful of
  contracts with small print.

  THIRTY-EIGHT Essence: There is a chance you will fall in love suddenly
  or create a very strong business partnership. You are at your best in
  media, entertainment, spiritual or artistic endeavors. You will be
  using your skills as a coordinator, agent, or diplomat. This is a very
  sensitive period, and your feelings may get bruised if you're too
  involved with how other people feel. Success requires patience, but
  then comes all at once. Avoid spending without thought of the
  future. Divorce or separation is possible if communication breaks down
  over a long period and no one is willing to apologize first.

  Lessons: Keep your energy balanced with proper diet, sleep, exercise,
  and moderate work habits.

  Your Period Number is 6:

  During this four-month sequence you will be spending much time
  thinking and coping with family matters. This is a period when those
  earlier promises must be met. if you are planning to marry during this
  influence, it would be most propitious to do so during the concurrence
  of a "1", "2", or "3" month. Childbirth may be expected with the "3"
  personal month as well. Those who work in the service or educational
  fields will be working very hard. You may be the go-between that
  settles conflict. You may want to buy furniture, visit family, or
  entertain others more now.

  February - May
  Your Period Number is 8:

  During this four-month sequence you will feel like forcing issues, and
  getting your way. This is a period of intense financial pressure.
  There is a big decision to be made, and you'd be best getting the help
  of professionals in accounting and law. You may be moving up in your
  company, and your talents recognized. Something you wrote or helped
  develop may be published. This is a time to be forceful, consistent,
  and not dependent on others for answers. You may make great gains now.
  If you're looking to buy or sell property, this is a very good
  influence. If you also have an "8" personal month during this period,
  you may experience a financial setback or test. You may find yourself
  involved in a legal case. Don't strain after what you want, but be
  active and alert.

  June - September
  Your Period Number is 2:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience a slow-down of
  activity. Apparently you need to rethink something, or correct some
  details. Acupuncture will help increase energy. Others will find you
  attractive, and your thoughts will focus a lot on relationship (or the
  desire for one). Don't rush through things now. Be patient and
  accepting of whatever comes. Your projects are somewhat in a
  germinating phase. If you have a "1" month during this "2" period
  number, you might be starting a new relationship. If you have a "2"
  month accompanying the "2" period number, move very cautiously and be
  very diplomatic. Don't have major surgery done during a double "2"

  October - December
  Your Period Number is 8:

  During this four-month sequence you will feel like forcing issues, and
  getting your way. This is a period of intense financial pressure.
  There is a big decision to be made, and you'd be best getting the help
  of professionals in accounting and law. You may be moving up in your
  company, and your talents recognized. Something you wrote or helped
  develop may be published. This is a time to be forceful, consistent,
  and not dependent on others for answers. You may make great gains now.
  If you're looking to buy or sell property, this is a very good
  influence. If you also have an "8" personal month during this period,
  you may experience a financial setback or test. You may find yourself
  involved in a legal case. Don't strain after what you want, but be
  active and alert.

                    PERSONAL YEAR ANALYSIS FOR 2014

  Katheryn, you are currently in a Six Personal Year:
  Date, marry, have a child
  Divorce or separate if harmony is not possible.
  Visit your relatives       
  Listen when family members speak
  Accept a proposal or offer one yourself
  Take on new responsibilities
  Plant a garden
  Cook, entertain, 
  Give advice only when asked.
  Take in a foreign exchange student
  Take a class or give one
  Buy or remodel a home
  Become a Big Brother or Sister
  Join a religious organization
  Work with a non-profit agency
  Forgive and move on 
  Sing, paint, or give a lecture
  CHALLENGES: Feeling like a victim or martyr, pride, guilt,
  overextension, deadlines, money, home life at odds with personal
  needs, family beliefs, health and fitness.
  ACTION MONTHS: April, August
  In a Six Personal Year, you seem to have accumulated many
  responsibilities and obligations. The purpose of this time, however,
  is to give you an opportunity to create a harmonious atmosphere and
  give support to those who need it. If you prefer a spontaneous and
  unfettered lifestyle, this period may limit some of your recreational
  time. You may not always welcome events during this somewhat
  conventional period. Others tend to want your attention, and your need
  to "do the right thing" drives you to work hard this year to fulfill
  Domestic affairs take up a lot of time, and you may choose to put the
  needs of others before your own desires. Marriage--either quite happy
  (but going through changes) or in strife--may be an issue. This is an
  excellent time for settling into a permanent relationship, having a
  child, building a home, opening a restaurant or other service
  business, going back to school, or becoming a teacher.
  The Six Year is both a nurturing and testing time -- you will give
  back some of the bounty you have received. During this rather
  obligation-packed time, you may be pushed to action because of the
  schedules of others. Petulance and self-centered attitudes disrupt
  communications and may require apologies (from either you or the other
  person). January to December is a time for love, generosity,
  forgiveness, growth, and thoughtful decisions. You may find yourself
  sounding like one of your parents!
  January (Seven Personal Month) - SLOW START. You may find out
  something about your family that you didn't know. Certification or
  education during this period is quite attractive, and you may take a
  class or go on retreat for reflection. Your spiritual side is more
  intriguing to you. Be willing to spend quality time with yourself, or,
  if married, communicate to your mate that you need some down
  time. Share your worries with a friend.
  February (Eight Personal Month) - RESPONSIBILITY AND WORK. A major
  decision about your domestic life may be necessary. You may be
  required to take out insurance, repair the house, remodel, or expand
  your business. You'll be prone to spend more than you expected. It's
  possible you will receive a promotion, although you may not feel
  comfortable with the increased duties. You often deal with
  organizations, groups and institutions. You will be thinking a lot
  about buying or selling property. This is an excellent time to make
  needed adjustments in income, savings, and investments. You feel
  somewhat stressed, but confident that results will be worth it.
  March (Nine Personal Month) - LONG-LASTING RESOLUTIONS. As this is a
  time better suited for completing things, wait until next month to
  start new ventures. You feel the pull toward religious practice and
  desire to contribute to the world or your community. You may
  experience loss or grief or the letting go of an old emotional
  burden. Long-distance travel may involve a family member,
  organization, or service group. A good time for theatrical
  presentations, repaying social obligations, meeting a deadline, or
  receiving an inheritance.
  April (One Personal Month) - GO-AHEAD. Vitality and confidence flow
  through you now, so you are more than likely able to achieve progress
  or complete success. This is an excellent time for changing jobs,
  moving to a new home, marriage, meeting your future mate, or the birth
  of a child. You might make a big decision like buying a new house or
  simply change your wardrobe and hairstyle. You may have to make
  important decisions about family members (e.g., putting parents in a
  nursing home, choosing a college for your child).
  May (Two Personal Month) - MANY OPINIONS. Last month, you knew what
  you wanted to do, but now your tendency is to over-analyze or doubt.
  It's okay to ask for others' advice, but take your time before making
  up your own mind. Others may not want you to change. Slow down. Time
  is needed for maturation and growth. This is a good time to get back 
  in touch with your mate, estranged family members, or neglected
  friends. This month your vitality may lessen somewhat, so get plenty
  of rest and take your vitamins! Nourish your mind as well by taking
  classes, researching something, or creating more quiet time for
  reflection. Avoid a tendency to spend too much time alone thinking
  about worst-case scenarios! If you feel stuck, over-anxious, or
  depressed see a counselor.
  June (Three Personal Month) - REGENERATION. Life seems to take an
  upswing, inducing a creative urge, which is great for artists,
  designers, or musicians. It's likely you will buy new clothes, take a
  trip, entertain at home, have a child, or start a garden. You may be
  longing to buy new carpeting, paint the whole house, build an outdoor
  deck, or buy recreational equipment (e.g., barbeques, televisions, or
  cameras.)  Money does not seem to worry you now. You bring light to
  others' problems. In some cases, this month might bring unemployment.
  Generally, good luck comes through your circle of contacts.
  July (Four Personal Month) - RESTRICTION AND RESPONSIBILITY. Because
  you have so many demands on your time, it's more likely you will
  travel for business rather than pleasure this month-or perhaps the
  whole year! You may start working more at home. Your activities are
  likely to involve supervising, training, or teaching. You may have
  many duties such as home schooling, caring for someone sick, sorting
  out an accounting problem, or managing a wide range of people.
  Although you want to be generous to others, first make a clear plan
  for giving and for saving. Work on the house. You are learning
  patience, endurance, and follow-through.
  August (Five Personal Month) - CHANGE OR CONFLICT. Tempers may
  increase with those closest to you, but try to be open and listen to
  their ideas. This month promises to shake things up a bit, even just a
  little bit. It could bring a trip or a chance to have a little more
  freedom. It's a favorable time for interacting with the public, or
  campaigning for a cause that serves the public. You may meet a
  possible love interest at a seminar or conference. This is a good
  time to explore new ideas, do something different, and expand your
  September (Six Personal Month) -STAMINA. The demands on your time
  right now could be physically taxing. Be very careful not to
  over-schedule yourself. Annoying promises must be kept now. Resist
  becoming embroiled in family fights that are not your business. Even
  though you'd rather be playing tennis, now is a good time to fix those
  cracks in the shower, participate at a school or hospital, or put in a
  garden for an elderly person. If you feel stuck or confused, go back
  to making a list of your desires-including the desire for peace and
  quiet. Others can be very demanding, and your response may be more
  stubborn than right. You may be putting a child in a new school or
  settling a neighborhood dispute.
  October (Seven Personal Month) - RETREAT. Things quiet down this
  month-- or maybe you just collapse! Spend time alone. Begin to put the
  finishing touches on those projects that are most important. Explain
  to your family that you need to have some time to yourself. Health or
  money could be concerns. Return to yoga, meditation, or some other
  spiritual practice or beloved hobby even though time is limited.
  November (Eight Personal Month) -- PRESSURE. No doubt, your world is
  full again of more commitments that you're comfortable with. If you
  feel like you are working hard but not getting that much ahead, take
  another look at where you were six years ago. You are still in the
  hard-working development phase, so take a deep breath and schedule a
  massage into your calendar. Keep on going. If debts are a major worry,
  now is the perfect time to take a clear look at the steps you need to
  take to resolve this problem, and seek help in this direction. It's
  very likely you will purchase expensive items such as a home, vehicle,
  or office equipment. You may have dealings with institutions,
  authorities, the legal system, or financial counselors. You may even
  serve on a jury.
  December (Nine Personal Month) - SATISFACTION, LOVE, AND SERVICE. You
  are encouraged now to finish all projects, and start dreaming about
  what's next. It's best now to wait until February or March of next
  year to start something new. Replace anger or impatience with a
  wait-and-see philosophical attitude as much as you can. Keep asking
  for life to give you a clear direction, and consider what your higher
  Self is trying to tell you now. Joining a service organization is a
  perfect way to start a new cycle of abundance, fulfillment, and
  personal growth in your own life. If you are facing an obstacle,
  visualize it as a symbol and see if it has a message about a possible

                         TRANSITS AND ESSENCES

  DURING 2014 YOU ARE 30.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your FIRST NAME:

  Y = At this time you are interested in spiritual development or
  training. You will be thinking about how you can be more skilled, and
  may be going to school as you need to become more specialized. You
  have a need for simplicity and honesty. You will prefer your own
  company rather than being involved with superficial people, but may
  feel a bit lonely from time to tome. There is a strong need for
  introspection. You're very intuitive during this period and seem to be
  able to read people's mind.

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your MIDDLE NAME:

  E = You are constantly thinking of new ideas, and don't want to be
  limited. You may be in conflict with someone who wants you to stay the
  same or not take risks. You learn about marketing and promotion. You
  are stimulated by new challenges, and there will be many ups and

  Based on the Transiting Letter of your LAST NAME:

  H = You throw yourself into accomplishing tangible goals. You are
  directed, and forceful, and usually work with big organizations. Your
  leadership is recognized and you will no doubt be working hard on your
  career rather than playing hooky. You are more interested in the
  material concerns of life than in the spiritual. However, you may do
  fund-raising for a charitable organization. You may need to become
  more assertive or credentialed during this period. Be careful of
  contracts with small print.

  THIRTY-EIGHT Essence: There is a chance you will fall in love suddenly
  or create a very strong business partnership. You are at your best in
  media, entertainment, spiritual or artistic endeavors. You will be
  using your skills as a coordinator, agent, or diplomat. This is a very
  sensitive period, and your feelings may get bruised if you're too
  involved with how other people feel. Success requires patience, but
  then comes all at once. Avoid spending without thought of the
  future. Divorce or separation is possible if communication breaks down
  over a long period and no one is willing to apologize first.

  Lessons: Keep your energy balanced with proper diet, sleep, exercise,
  and moderate work habits.

  Your Period Number is 8:

  During this four-month sequence you will feel like forcing issues, and
  getting your way. This is a period of intense financial pressure.
  There is a big decision to be made, and you'd be best getting the help
  of professionals in accounting and law. You may be moving up in your
  company, and your talents recognized. Something you wrote or helped
  develop may be published. This is a time to be forceful, consistent,
  and not dependent on others for answers. You may make great gains now.
  If you're looking to buy or sell property, this is a very good
  influence. If you also have an "8" personal month during this period,
  you may experience a financial setback or test. You may find yourself
  involved in a legal case. Don't strain after what you want, but be
  active and alert.

  February - May
  Your Period Number is 9:

  During this four-month sequence you may find many things getting
  resolved and completed. There could be a great feeling of success and
  freedom. The energy flow is increasing for you now. Allow the Universe 
  to speak to you, and try to meditate for a few minutes before starting
  your day. The opportunities that come to you will be better than the
  ones you thought you wanted. You must complete something before
  turning towards a new direction. Long-distance travel or working with
  foreigners is a definite possibility. If you also have a "9" personal
  month during this period, you may have to let go of a long-standing
  situation or relationship. You may experience deep feelings of loss or
  regret. It's very important to experience your feelings, and stop
  judging yourself or others.

  June - September
  Your Period Number is 3:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience a quickening of
  energy and will be bursting with new ideas and energy. This is a good
  time to socialize and network. Relationships tend to be short-lived
  but exciting. If you are hoping to start a family, this would be an
  ideal time, especially if one of the personal months in this sequence
  is "1", "2", or "3." This influence indicates an upswing in good news,
  good luck, and joyful activities.

  October - December
  Your Period Number is 1:

  During this four-month sequence you will experience a growing sense of
  self-confidence. You are on a trajectory to a new life, and your bold
  ideas bring success. You will be spending much time on projects
  related to your own interests, rather than simply putting in time on
  other people's ideas. Be assertive in advancing your career. This is
  an advantageous time for beginning a new direction. A product may be
  put on the market now. Relationships occupy less of your time as you
  focus on designing, writing, directing, initiating, exploring, and
  moving. If you also have a "1" personal month coinciding with the "1"
  period number, expect dramatic change! You may be home only long
  enough to change underwear. Arrogance, impatience, and inexperience
  could shadow your success.


  You have now been introduced to your life path. It's a good idea to
  review the chart once a year, perhaps on your birthday, to keep you in
  touch with what you came here to accomplish. Each subsequent reading
  may reveal the concepts to you in a different light.
  If you decide to have a personal consultation which can help you
  deepen your understanding of the main points of your blueprint and
  your timing, please email Carol Adrienne at
  Monthly coaching is also available at reasonable rates.
  Read your free weekly forecast and daily Purpose Tracker messages at (under free stuff).