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Forecast for 2014



  OF 2014:

Individual number vibrations in 2014:


Two represents a millennial challenge of sustainability requiring on-going adherence to global co-operation over rampant consumerism. (Hmmm. How long will this take?) Two favors use of dialogue and diplomacy over reactive military action. The qualities of Two represent the feminine archetype in human character and values, leaning towards co-existence, peaceful engagement, and co-producing. The natural action of Two tends toward negotiation in search of mutually beneficial outcomes. Two emphasizes the benefits of peace, conservation, recycling, patience, empathy, and balance. The guiding principle of Two is the interconnectedness of all beings and systems.


Zero represents undifferentiated potential. Depending on other influences occurring in a century, yearly challenges are likely to be unprecedented—and to push humankind's consciousness into new realms of awareness. Zero also reminds us of the unlimited potential for humans to circumvent the dangers of ignorance and destructive flaws by rising to new planetary stewardship. Zero presents opportunities to strip away obstacles created by ignorance, out-moded thinking, and sets the stage for pioneering breakthroughs. Zero inspires humankind to think and act from a non-linear, intuitive, or spiritual perspective.


One represents the qualities of action, courage, and advancement. One pushes technological advancements beyond current borders. One is the number of innovation and pioneering discoveries.


Four calls for balancing, restructuring, and building more stability in all systems.  Four brings us back to the importance of basic elements such as, air quality, water resources, agricultural production, forests, and commodities.  Governments may become more restrictive and controlling of their citizens. On the other hand, or citizens may rebel and demand better oversight of public services, long-term good management, reliable banking, and sustainable commerce.

(2014) The Fourteen aspect in the year is one of the Karmic Numbers in numerology.  The Fourteen energy could very possibly stimulate big changes, allowing for unexpectedly quick changes of regime or resolutions of problem areas and conflicts.

Fourteen tends to bring change for new growth, and favors innovative methods—sometimes unexpectedly and without warning. Fourteen reminds us of the laws of karma, and brings opportunities to right imbalances and bring justice. Fourteen brings a chance to increase freedom, reorganization, and progressive practices.  We may see breakthroughs for women living in oppressive circumstances.

In 2014 Fourteen may bring breakthrough discoveries in medicine, or innovations in healing addiction processes. Fourteen may bring more emphasis on prevention and well-being in health care. It's possible that addiction will be highlighted, particularly the destructive aspects of high-level sugar consumption.  Under Fourteen, change is often accompanied by conflict, such as is found in the current controversy and upheaval in the United States about the Affordable Health Care Act.


The Universal Year number is found by adding all the numbers in the year:

2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7 Universal Year vibration

 2014 is a Universal 7 Year

Seven is the number representing humanity's spiritual aspirations, sense of purpose and meaning, and need for listening to the wisdom within.  It rules knowledge gained by intuition, psychic ability, wisdom and deep understanding, research into the unknown, development of technology, earth and water, and spiritual development.
Seven brings information to the surface, so look for more scandals, covert actions revealed, or other revelations of deception.  
Seven is the premier number for what happens beneath the surface. The global controversies about surveillance and privacy are likely to become even more of a heated issue. 
In response, we could see new technology offering ways to detect, prevent, or circumvent monitoring. If you wish to listen to a perfect example of seven's focus on technology and secrecy, click on a recent video of a talk by Jacob Applebaum. He is an independent computer security researcher and hacker, and was employed by the University of Washington. He talks from experience about the extent of the NSA's practices and processes of surveillance—and exactly how our own electronic devices are being co-opted and monitored in secret. The video can be seen at While much of his talk is technical, his message is quite riveting and relevant to each and every one of us. You may be quite surprised by some of the things he reveals, especially if you think you have nothing to hide or that your own activities or interests don't merit any particular scrutiny.
Seven is a number of technology, so of course we'll continue to see research in pharmaceutical, military, and technical advancements, especially at the increasingly microscopic and nano-level. DNA research is likely to become an area of focus in medical diagnoses and genetic treatments.
Seven is inner-directed. While some industries (especially medicine, research, technology, and education) will do well, over-all financial growth may slow down for awhile.
Seven resonates at deep natural rhythms, so we will continue to see increases in sudden weather-related breakdowns or volcanic eruptions (especially with the 14 combination in 2014--14 rules unexpected changes, breakdowns, or chaos). Managing water resources is likely to become much more urgent. Contaminated sites or landfill sites may suddenly require immediate remediation. Underground problems or breakdowns of infrastructure are likely to increase.
Seven is the number often associated with simplifying and streamlining, cleansing, and detoxifying. Many of us will feel the urge to downshift, let go of stuff, recycle, or lose excessive weight (in all areas).
Seven searches for spiritual guidance and meaning; we may hear about cults or charismatic leaders. Many of us may decide to return to our spiritual traditions or find new avenues for connecting to meaningful practices.

On my Weekly Forecast page, I explain how to find your Personal Year number. You may wonder: How might my Personal Year number be modified by the 7 Universal Year?

In 2014, if you are in a 1 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to LEARN AND GO DEEPER. During 2014, take occasional breaks from routine and look even more deeply into what interests you—and where you know you would grow. How could you shift your viewpoint about a supposed limitation? Requirement: Express your unique qualities and viewpoint.


In 2014, if you are in a 2 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to ENJOY RELATIONSHIPS. If feeling lonely, spend time with activities that nourish your soul. Learn to enjoy solitude, beauty, and nature. Requirement: Go with the flow, and embrace change.


In 2014, if you are in a 3 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to EXPRESS CREATIVELY. This is a year to find ways to celebrate life with enthusiasm. Requirement: Be more positive in thinking and speaking.


In 2014, if you are in a 4 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to GO BACK TO BASICS. It's time to streamline, organize, and simplify. Requirement: Be honest about what is working and what is not working. Improve communication skills.


In 2014, if you are in a 5 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to EXPLORE SOMETHING NEW. This year many unexpected shifts may surprise and amaze you. You may be in a very different place by the end of 2014 than you would have expected. Requirement: Notice how synchronicity paves your way.


In 2014, if you are in a 6 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to work out a balance between the call of duty and the personal desire for freedom from restriction. Requirement: Be courageous about speaking up for what you believe in. Learn and grow stronger from frustrations.


In 2014, if you are in a 7 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to DEVELOP SELF-UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE. Follow your thirst for knowledge. Requirement: Look at the world from a spiritual point view that things are as they are for a reason.


In 2014, if you are in an 8 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to DEVELOP PERSEVERANCE AND MAGNETIZE WHAT YOU DESIRE RATHER THAN FORCE THINGS TO HAPPEN. You may do best when you give your best efforts, and then watch to see where the flow is taking you. Requirement: Commitment to what you do best. Developing better skills or understanding of issues.


In 2014, if you are in a 9 Personal Year, the 7 Universal Year encourages you to BE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT Of THE WORLD. Events may bring you to a completely new level of understanding, inspiration, or lifestyle this year. Requirement: Selflessness. Kindness. Let go of that which you have outgrown.

No matter what happens, trust that you are always moving in the direction of your life purpose.  Enjoy 2014!

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