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Analysis of author Tom Clancy's birth name
Numerology Delineation For
Thomas Leo Clancy
First Name        22/4  Thomas—Master Builder/Visionary
Middle Name          5  Leo   --Adventurer
Last Name         22/4  Clancy—Master Builder/Visionary
Destiny           13/4  Transformer of Espionage Genre
Heart's Desire       8  Executive -published author, expert
Personality       14/5  Rebel -Adventurer
Habit Challenge      6  Strong opinions, security-minded
KARMIC LESSON(S)     9  Finish a karmic debt
Day of Birth        12  Magnetic, creative, expressive
Birthpath            1  Leader -unique, talented
Realization          5  Adventurer—Mass popularity
Physically           3  Out-going energetic socialable
Mentally             4  Practical planner realistic
Emotionally          7  Selective, needs solitude
Spiritually          1  Intuitive idealistic independent
FIRST PINNACLE (Birth to 35)   7 Development phase; study
FIRST CHALLENGE (Birth to 35)  1 Learn to believe in himself
SECOND PINNACLE (36 to 44)     6 Responsibility
SECOND CHALLENGE (36 to 44)    0 Unlimited potential
THIRD PINNACLE (45 to 53)   13/4 Finish of karmic debts
THIRD CHALLENGE (45 to 53)     1 Changes in focus, identity
FOURTH PINNACLE (54 to end)    7 Recognition as expert
FOURTH CHALLENGE (54 to end)   1 Leadership, prominence

                            Table of Events
Thomas Leo Clancy—original name Grid

The letters in Clancy's name form the vertical Line of Talent—1,2,3, with an emphasis on the number 3 (4 3's). Number 3 indicates success in the combined arts—books, TV, games, and films, all fields for which he became widely known!

Now let's look at the changes in Clancy's core number and Grid when he shortens his name to his nom de plume of Tom Clancy.

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