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Wed Nov 2 2005
Here's an email update from an old client. I've kept him anonymous to preserve his privacy. He is reporting in on some of the numerology predictions I gave him earlier this year.

I've known A. for many years, and am so happy that he has found the right job at last. His intention has always been strong--but he also has had to fight his prevailing pessimism. In other times, he probably would have been a priest, but now he's in a similar position of leadership--but as a corporate facilitator!


You asked for an update around my birthday, so here it is. When we last talked my most important goal was getting a new job. You said that July 2005 would be a month of completion and that maybe something new and great would occur in August 2005. Well, it happened. I ran around like a crazed man in July completing everything I could get my hands on--cleaning closets, .....etc..... I also had a bunch of interviews for different jobs, seemingly coming out of no where, and on 8/29/05, I started work with a "way cool" (a/k/a like a San Francisco culture and employer) company. My role is just about perfect, as is my boss and 95% or more of my colleagues. I'm facilitating strategy at the top echelons of the federal government. On 11/3-6/05, T. and I are going to Mobile, Alabama (on the coast) to buy a retirement house, if we both like the locale! I'm also getting ready now to write my book, and I begin in earnest on 11/20/05.

thanks for your help.

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