Espanol | Italiano | 日本
Mon Oct 24 2005
I returned from Thailand last Thursday.  After Japan, Thailand seemed very hot and humid, but Fumiko and I and Kumiko and Aga had a great time exploring.

In Chiang Mai,  we rode elephants , rafted down a river on a bamboo raft, ate lots of good Thai food, saw dozens of golden Buddhas,  shopped in the Night Bazaar, and generally enjoyed our time off.

Fumiko and I  left Chiang Mai and took a night train  to  the ancient city of Ayutthaya.  We arrived at 5 am but found a hotel that was willing to let us have a room that early in the morning.  The next day, a tuktuk (3-wheeled vehicle) and driver took us to all the many sites.  We found using an umbrella is much cooler than simply wearing a hat in the sun.

On to Bangkok and lots of sight seeing (also visiting the US Embassy in order to get  a notarization for the El Cerrito Police.)  Fumiko's car was towed on my street while we were gone, and we spent hours trying to authorize Robert back in the US so that he could go get the car.  Finally, we solved the problem.  The car is safely parked in front of my house now.

One of the most fun things we did was have a coffee in the lobby of the grand Oriental Hotel in Bangkok just to cool off from all the morning and afternoon sight seeing (like the Emerald Buddha in the Grand Palace and a boat trip up a canal.)  After resting in the air conditioned splendour, we asked one of the beautifully-attired staff members where we could catch the sky train, and she escorted us personally over to the hotel's "shuttle "boat" --a lighted, exotic teak boat that looked like it was from a fairy tale.  Three princely--uniformed staff members took us in the boat about ten minutes away to the Sky Train landing as a courtesy of the hotel.  We felt like princesses disembarking.  A bystander said, "Boy , I want to ride on a boat like that."

Home now in El Cerrito, and ready to clear the autumn leaves from the back garden.  It's cold here now.  I feel like catching up on correspondence and doing some fall cleaning.  It's good to be back.  Time to start work on the new books for Japan.
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