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Tue Oct 4 2005
Last night Fumiko-san and I had invited  our friends, Misao Takahara and Terayama-sensei for dinner.  She had noticed an organic restaurant near the Takadanobaba train station the day before, and thought that would be a good place to go.  Misao-san had called to say she probably would be late, but as it turns out, they ran into each other on the train platform (this is a very busy station the train platform (this is a very busy station). We all laughed about the coincidence.  

At the restuarant, however, we had more synchronicities.  It turned out that the chef was a friend of Terayama-sensei, who had visited Findhorn with him many times.  Terayama-sensei  works with cancer patients and teaches all over the world.   He used to be a skeptical scientific engineer.  After healing himself of his own cancer, he completely transformed his life, and is now a highly respected teacher and healer.  

Just as we were leaving, another customer walked in and saw us. He turned out to be the editor who publishes the books of Terayama-sensei--and he told us he was leaving for Findhorn the next day!  Terayama-sensei was so happy to see him, because he had been wanting to call him and order more books, but would have missed him if we had not run into him at just that moment.
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