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When Perspective Brings Clarity

December, 2006                Carol Adrienne, Ph.D.

    I want to express my deep gratitude to everyone who has shared their time and journey with me this year (and in the past years, as well!) I feel very fortunate to be able to communicate with so many people about so many heart-felt concerns.  I wish we could just sit at the table and have a cup of tea and get down to solving the world’s problems and have a great time doing it!  I must content myself with writing to you today, and I hope that whatever you read in this column during the year touches your own life.

    This month I have selected two emails to answer, both of which seem to strike a similar note.  Both women are in mid-life, have completed many family duties, and are ready to contribute something new.  Sound familiar? It might be a version of your own story.  I’ll be using my numerological microscope (actually, it’s a macroscope) to offer some ideas.  Of course, I’ve changed their names to protect privacy.

Leah writes:
    Dear Carol,

“I am fascinated by the guidance numerology, and will appreciate your thoughts on the following:
I am a 45 year old, divorced mother of two daughters, 20 & 23 (one married, one at home going to college). I currently work as an Office Manager/Personal Assistant/Secretary for a very small real estate office. This is NOT what I want to do when I grow up. I have been pulled for several years to do something fulfilling... something that would help others as well as make me feel that I am making a difference. Alas, I have no idea what that should be.
I am an avid lover of books. I feel most drawn to writing. I have given psychic readings online in the past. I have also done hands-on-healing. I consider being a coach, being a professional organizer, or being a writer. However, I just  don't know where to go. While some people have one interest, one area of talent - I have lots... which adds to the confusion!  I also am in a relationship with an amazing guy. I believe this will lead to marriage. Do the numbers show a wedding?”

Dear Leah,
    Yes, I see in your numerology chart all the interests you have!  Of course there’s no space to go into detail here, but here’s what I see.  Your birthday numbers add up to 9—the humanitarian, philosopher, healer, educator, and all-round person, so 9’s often feel confused because their interests are so vast.  On top of that, you have a 3 day of birth and a 3 Heart’s Desire—the desire to express yourself creatively (thus your attraction to writing.) 

Avoid Underestimating Your Day Job

From the age of 37 to 45 (where you are this year), your life has been guided by the influence of another 3, accompanied by a 1 challenge.  The 3 asks that you enjoy life, look for creative outlets and make lots of friends and contacts (something you probably have done, without realizing it, in your “small real estate office.”  I think it’s important never to underestimate our small “day jobs.”  They are there for a reason.  During a 3 period such as you have been in the last 9 years, we often fall into work that lets us stay in our comfort zone.  We may not be ready to make the effort to do what it takes to create a whole new career.  For example, if you decided to become a life coach, that decision would make serious demands on you.  You would have to find the money for training, get training, find clients, build a practice (not always an easy thing to do, and takes much determination and patience), and wonder how long it would be before you could make a living at it.  This is where your 1 Challenge comes in. 

Honor the Phases of Your Life
    Since the age of 37, and for the rest of your life, you have a 1 Challenge—the motivation to do something original, independent and YOURS.  Beginning January 2007, you change from a 3 to a 6.  It’s like changing from childhood to maturity!  Six will be with you for the rest of your life (still with the 1 Challenge.)  The 6 favors service (like organizing,) family responsibilities (yes, it looks like marriage is in your future!) and coaching. 
In addition, from now until 2012, you also enter a yearly phase of 9’s which resonate perfectly to your 9 Birth Path—giving you the opportunity to go to a new level in what you expect of yourself.  Nine represents a strong desire to help others, get involved in a cause, or occasionally travel abroad.  Your Destiny is 4—the builder and organizer.  Fulfilling your life purpose requires assisting a whole network of people to attain their goals as well. 

Avoid Fixating on the Idea of Right or Wrong Choices—Each Path has a Purpose
  Your 3 Heart’s Desire is the part of you that enjoys imagining different futures, and prefers to live in possibility as long as possible.  It’s your life work to pull those ideas into the material world and manifest the ones that hold the most passion for you.  The paralysis comes because you want to make the choice about “right or wrong.” 
Our life purpose is not about a job title.  Your purpose involves using your imagination, creativity, and strong organizational skills to create a business that is mostly service.  Waiting for 100% clarity about choosing a new career direction is often paralyzing—which is what you are experiencing. 

Think Synthesis
    Your big life transition from a 3 to a 6 this year, brings a new energy vibration.  I think the key is the 1 Challenge.  The 1 asks you to be confident in yourself and to redefine your identity—from assistant to business owner or practitioner. My assignment to you is this: how could you combine coaching, personal organization, and writing?  Why not try writing up a small brochure on how to stay organized and use it as a promotional tool to find clients that you help--people who feel overwhelmed?  You can create your own “coaching in-take” form to identify, assess, and analyze areas where you could help people get a grip on their day-to-day issues.  I see it as a sort of “good neighbor, big sister” approach.  Nothing heavy, but you could do a lot of good, and it might not require a lengthy training, depending on your life skills.

Corinne writes:

Hi Carol - I am 53 years old and have been divorced for four years. I am enjoying being single, particularly having my own apartment. I have a stable (but boring) job in a government agency. Lately, I have been thinking I would like to get into conflict resolution work - I would need more training for this, but my employer would probably cover that. I have a fair amount of education already - BA in Political Science, MA in Mass Communications. These degrees were earned part-time over several years while raising my son and putting my husband at the time through law school. Would conflict resolution work be in keeping with my life purpose (not that I am sure of what that is!)?

Dear Corinne,
    Like Leah above, your numerology birth path is a 9, so you also want to feel that you are contributing healing service to the world.  To answer your question, in a word, yes.  Conflict resolution would be terrific for your life work.  First of all, you have the 9, the number of universal love, understanding, tolerance, and peace.  If that wasn’t enough, you also have a 2 day of birth.  Two stands for harmony, peace, friendliness, and mediation.  On top of that, one of your strongest trends in the letters of your name is the “line of the heart”—which indicates the ability to work on feelings and issues with a very broad base of people.

    Your strongest indicator of life purpose is in your “line of recognition” indicating that you could work yourself into a position where your work becomes widely recognized.  Although you do not seek the limelight, it may very well find you.  No wonder you are bored (hiding out?) in a government job. 

Be a Bridge to Harmony
    The number 7 is influencing you from the age of 46 to the end of your life (which resonates perfectly with your 7 Heart’s Desire.)  Seven is a spiritual, intuitive energy and requires you to become something of an expert in a field. 

    With all of your education, you will find that the later years of your life are giving you a chance to be truly who you see yourself to be. However, you will have to deal with a natural timidity or modesty coming from your 2 Challenge.  Recognize the trap of trying to please everyone, but use that sensitive, cooperative 2 energy for conflict resolution.  The 2 gives you the gift of seeing both sides of the question, and the ability to create a space that allows people to come into their own power, without having to wrest it by aggressive conflict.  Good luck!

    I’ll be taking off the month of December for some writing of my own.  Enjoy the gifts that come your way. Happiness to all…
and Happy December
Carol Adrienne

NOTE regarding email questions: Send your email life purpose questions (limit 200 words) along with your full, original name as shown on the birth certificate, and birth date to In the subject line, please write Column/Blog Question.
Also, please know that while I deeply appreciate your submissions, I will be able to respond only to those emails that I select for the Advice Blog on my website ( All others will be reviewed as possibilities for future blogs.  If they are selected, I will contact you.  Please do not inquire if you have not heard from me.  If your questions are not answered, it may be because the material is of such nature that it would not be suitable for the general reader.  Answers on the Advice Blog do not constitute a full numerology reading as offered in consultations, coaching or the Primary Life Charts available for sale on the website.

Carol Adrienne, Ph.D. is an intuitive counselor and life coach who has helped thousands of people work through doubt, procrastination, and obstacles to create the life they want to live. Private consultations and coaching available. Contact her at




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