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How 2024 Affects You!


by Carol Adrienne

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Marilyn Monroe, actress



The Universal vibration for 2024 (2+0+2+4) is 8. The 8 Vibration Highlights Power, Money, Control

In a perfect world, Eight is heralded as productive, success-driven, and an enforcer of justice. As a worldly influence, 8 represents the archetype of material achievement and hierarchical structures. Eight emphasizes the power of money and material resources. Eight is a practical, pragmatic problem-solver, not easily swayed by emotional considerations. Eight manifests brilliantly through rationality, logic, and all kinds of engineering.

Unsurprisingly, in 2024, 8's influence will be seen as ever-increasing globalization. We can expect to see continuing strategies for control by centralized authorities acting together to promote or enforce shared motives. These authorities include governments, financial institutions, the military-industrial complex, and trans-national corporations. Their mouthpiece is the corporate-owned media. Independent news sources with dissenting views, such as podcasts, free of corporate funding, will have a harder time to remain autonomous and monetized, as we have already seen in 2023 with some commentators losing their subscriptions.

While the total of 8 is the dominant influence in 2024, nuanced qualities also come from the individual digits of 2024:

2 – a millennium striving for peace, respectful co-existence, and planetary balance

0 – an unlimited ability to reach new levels of awareness, understanding, spiritual understanding

2 – a need for diplomacy, cooperation, and understanding rather than force

4 – a time for grass roots demonstrations; actions for economic well-being, or against oppression, media censorship, social injustice

8 A time for implementing worthy goals

So how might Eight work through us in the competing agendas of 2024?

Eight will be a challenger and an energizer.

Eight will help many get clear about what matters. Some will feel a call to confront an issue they care deeply about. Others will feel inspired to go for a dream.

The 8 vibration of 2024 has arrived at a pivotal moment in history. Of course life is change. But currently many of us have begun to feel greater tension around policies out of our control.

Eight will increase authoritarian measures.

In world-wide matters, Eight's natural focus on power and control reveals an increasing trend toward top-down authoritarian methods. Corporations grow larger and even more influential than nations. Coalitions of powerful entities grow stronger, and are visible in their influence over health, politics, and news media.

Eight may increase the divide between the haves and have nots.

Eight, intent on keeping the status quo of an established elite few, is motivated to win, sometimes at any cost (the end justifies the means). The mainstream narrative tends to promote things (e.g. drugs) as safe, effective, efficient, or for “the good of the people.” However, people are already becoming more aware of manipulation and wiser in their media choices. In 2024 we will likely continue to see a shift in public perception of corporate narratives designed to promote profit at unprecedented levels. Therefore, 8 in 2024 could see resistance to elite authority, as well efforts from the power structures.

Eight empowers us individually to make needed changes.

Centralized authority (8) uses fear and uncertainty to induce compliance. If there is any gift in the restrictions of the last three years, it is in opening our eyes to the extent to which we will hand over control in matters of personal choice. Global protests and individual experiences show us that our private freedoms are being eroded. For example, corporate land ownership is overtaking small-scale farming in many countries. Evidence abounds on every level that 8's drive to own, control, and regulate is pushing the planet and life on Earth to extreme limits, resulting in conflict, refugee crises, and climate change.

We begin to question media narratives for their underlying agenda.

We can no longer afford to complacently accept media narratives. We must look into things for ourselves—digging to find actual scientific data and educated, expert voices. For example, scientific studies and data have revealed the devastating consequences of lock downs, mandates, and experimental, untested medicines—all of which were presented to us as necessary and truthful.

A vibration of 8 is a beacon for empowerment.

In our individual life, the awakening energy of 8 gives us a chance to consider our own life purpose in the greater scheme of things. Will we take back our power by speaking up, or silently comply?

While you may not be a radical reformer, circumstances may cause you to stand up in a way that is different or that surprises you. Simple, honest conversations could catalyze the power of our collective voice.

On a practical level, certain “8-type” sectors will flourish.

For example, Japan is expected to complete a Mars Moon Rover mission to Phobos, the moon of Mars (engineering, strategy, resource exploration). Japan's per capita income rate is likely to rise from 60000 yen to over 75000 yen. Payment apps are moving us toward a cashless economy (which increases the control for banking and governments). China will complete the world's largest rail system. Production (8's secret power) will increase in environmentally-friendly products such as “green steel,” helping to lessen reliance on fossil fuel. And speaking of power—AI (artificial intelligence—very 8!) robotics will continue to supply speed and power in factories, as well as personal help for disabled people to live more independently.

This is not a time to give up.

Begin to notice recurring thoughts and intuitions. Decide to follow up and explore. Make a commitment. Learn and move on from mistakes. Act when the time feels right. Start again if you need to. Believe in yourself and your right to freedom.


First calculate your Personal Year for 2024.

Find your Personal Year number by adding your month and day of birth to 2024.

Reduce the total to one digit. This one-digit total is your Personal Year Number.

For example, let's say you were born on October 15. October is the 10th month, so you would add:

1+ 0 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 15 (1 + 5) = 6 Personal Year

(Note: Your Personal Year starts January 1 and ends December 31, no matter what month you were born.)

If your Personal Year is 1 in 2024:

Get ready to take off! You are starting a brand new nine-year cycle. In general, a 1 Personal Year starts you thinking in a new direction. You begin to muse about “starting over” or “moving up.” Last year in 2023, during your 9 Personal Year, some avenues may have closed down, or a project ended, bringing feelings of uncertainty, loss, or disappointment. Now, in 2024, you have moments when anything seems possible. With the natural ally of Universal 8, you are ready to take on the world! You find practical solutions to questions or challenges, especially regarding making more money or getting finances in order. Each small step, whether or not you achieve results at first, encourages you to feel “I can do this!.” With Universal 8 Year at your back, you'll find a better way. Look for progress in career, legal settlements, and financial areas. You may link up with important people. You are determined to tackle big changes, start a business, or whack down debt.

Purpose for a 1 Personal Year in an 8 Universal Year: Build feelings of confidence. Try new things if possible. Break away from a toxic situation. Upgrade. Work with purpose.

Relationships: Work may interfere with time for family or dating. Stronger desire for independence. May date a work colleague. Potential for marriage or divorce. Finances are a concern.

Career: Chance for leadership or rewards. Learn by doing. Trial and error. Doing the impossible. Increase in pay. Conflicts with family time.

Personal Challenges: Procrastination or lack of courage may result in lost opportunity. Overcoming obstacles. Ask for a raise. Settle a legal matter.

If your Personal Year is 2 in 2024:

Relationships are the big issue in any 2 Personal Year. With Universal 8, things may take a serious turn. Your personal 2 wants companionship, but Universal 8 puts pressure on your time. You may experience conflicts in friendships and business partnerships. Health issues show where you need to lessen stress. You likely have alternating periods of busyness and slowdown. Remember during the year to check details on important documents. Don't overspend to gain friends.

Purpose for a 2 Personal Year in a Universal 8: Learning. Growing in confidence. Handling finances wisely. Using good judgment.

Relationships: Power struggles can crop up. Must set healthy boundaries, especially around money and schedules. Learn to negotiate and speak up about issues. Serious decisions regarding marriage, home-buying, childbirth, or divorce.

Career: Focus on improving professional status or working with a partner. May be drawn to computer-related jobs, art illustration, medical or psychological research, analysis.

Personal Challenges: Loneliness. Anxiety. Self-doubt when comparing to others. Ending a toxic relationship. Trying to please a hard-headed boss.

If your Personal Year is 3 in 2024:

You are likely to feel more vitality and optimism. Ideas and activities increase, but you may feel scattered. Enthusiasm breeds a new field of opportunities. Universal 8 helps you level up in creative work. You crave freedom, and may earn money from part-time or free-lance work. You are more likely to act spontaneously, meeting just the right person at the right time. Overall, your year should be extremely rewarding and joyful.

Purpose for a 3 Personal Year in a Universal 8: To use your creative talents to solve the world's problems! Expect to get more involved with others who share your interests. Commit to doing more of what you are good at.

Relationships: You may feel very popular at times, or suddenly lonely. Gossip could cause a problem. A sudden, intense affair may occur. Good time to marry, have a child, or find a soulmate who shares a creative interest. Money is spent on pleasurable, fashionable activities.

Career: Favors jobs in marketing, hospitality, commercial art, travel, driving, computer design, entertainment or film industry.

Personal Challenges: All talk and no action. Jealousy. Overspending. Feeling artistically blocked. Troubles with a boss. Social media problems.

If your Personal Year is 4 in 2024:

Appreciate a golden opportunity that may come disguised as a “set back.” Your 4 Year is great for getting results, although you will likely work harder than ever before. You are less likely now to make big or sudden changes unless forced to by circumstances. Rather than move, you most likely find a way to adapt to circumstances for now. An entry-level or temporary job could surprise with long-term benefits. Be a saver and keep finances under control.

Purpose for a 4 Personal Year in Universal 8: To accept “what is.” Apply your talents wherever they are needed. This is a great time to create a solid foundation for the future. Problems or hardships truly bring out the best in you.

Relationships: You may have less time for social or romantic activities because of work or family responsibilities. You tend to put off your personal desires for the benefit of others. May be caring for an older person. A difficult person may require finesse and tact.

Career: With a double emphasis on practicality, (Personal 4 and Universal 8), your goal is stability and security. Hard work and focus pay off hugely, but may carry a small disappointment. Jobs often require stamina, good management skills, and planning.

Personal Challenges: Stress. Taking on too much. Being stubborn or unrealistic. Keeping up appearances. Bankruptcy.

If your Personal Year is 5 in 2024:

Expect many changes. Your life is either full of activities, tight schedules, drama, or, at times, just plain boring. You yearn to make a big leap. You can't stand to be cooped up or waiting on others. You fantasize about living somewhere else, or actually do move. You are more prone to want to try new things, or to change your look. In 2024 you are in the middle of your 9-year cycle—a great time to change what is not working for you. This is a time to experiment and explore. Life opens up in surprising ways if you let it. Plans change with fortunate results.

Purpose for a 5 Personal Year in Universal 8: This is a year when courage and spontaneity lead to upgrades in career, health, and finances. Embrace a challenge. Leave your comfort zone. If you crave more freedom, change your routine. Show others a new side of yourself. Universal 8 helps you be more confident to take your talents to a broader audience. You are less likely now to go along with the crowd when it doesn't feel right.

Relationships: With freedom-loving 5 under pragmatic Universal 8, you weigh the costs of leaving, staying, or committing. Marriage or divorce could happen sooner rather than later. Sexy 5 could find romance at the office (8).

Career: Work schedules tend to be flexible, but demanding. Success may hinge on marketing to a trending market; all kinds of sales, performance, and travel jobs are favored. If you make a mistake, it is soon forgotten in the changing circumstances.

Personal Challenges: Exhaustion. Stress. Procrastinating may result in missing a golden opportunity. Gambling. Love affair at the office.

If your Personal Year is 6 in 2024:

Your focus is on responsibilities and providing for others. Powerful Universal 8 pressures you to push yourself. You may even get a second job, or invest in property or career training. This year is a great time to find a better living space, marry, start a family, graduate, or start a business. Time and money are spent on education, health, domestic items, or caring for parents or offspring.

Purpose for a 6 Personal Year in Universal 8: The combined hard-working energies of 6 and 8 strongly turn your interests toward long-term security, comfort, health, and matters of status. You tend to put the needs of others before your own. By the end of the year you feel great satisfaction and gratitude. This years favors teaching, supporting, nurturing, and saving for the future. Your talents are well-rewarded.

Relationships: Family, friends, and a comfortable home are all-important. In general you strive to keep a steady course and work things out. You are not inclined to rock the boat unless you expect clear improvements. Duties may increase but you are grateful for the chance to serve.

Career: Corporate team work, education, healthcare, law, humanitarian work, interior design, and specialty food and wine are all favored areas now.

Personal Challenges: Taking on the problems of others. Anxiety. Financial strain. Domestic abuse. Problems at work.

If your Personal Year is 7 in 2024:

You want to focus on what's most important. After a challenging 2023—likely filled with domestic cares—you are ready for some rest and rejuvenation. You rethink what you want in life, and crave more peace of mind. You are drawn to spiritual teaching and meditation. You listen to intuition more often. You spend less time on negative people and unfulfilling activities. Despite periods of loneliness, you enjoy time alone and simple pleasures. You crave nature. An interest could become a passion. Losses may unfold in unexpected ways.

Purpose for a 7 Personal Year in Universal 8: This could be a challenging, but spiritually significant, even life-changing, year. Your Personal 7 craves peace and spiritual meaning. Universal 8 demands you show up and accomplish. While working hard to pay the bills, your inner soul is craving time alone to reflect or just be. However, a challenge could reveal a hidden talent. You might understand a deeper purpose for certain events in your life.

Relationships: If love is troubled during soulful 7, you may experience loneliness, separation, or even loss. If single, you are willing to wait for a person who truly resonates. If unhappily partnered, you might need to get away for awhile. Under 8, financial or legal matters may arise.

Career: If you have special expertise, expect a raise. If not, you are ready to do what it takes to move up the ladder. Favored jobs are in technology, banking, research, logistics, medicine, surveillance, or specialized positions in a corporation. Delays may bring a better result after all.

Personal Challenges: Periods of loneliness. Feeling you don't fit in. Hiding a mistake. Misplaced trust. Messy divorce or property settlements.

If your Personal Year is 8 in 2024:

Ideally you are poised to succeed at any level. You have a double dose of success-oriented 8 in both Personal and Universal years. At times you might feel you've won the lottery. If a raise doesn't land in your lap, you're ready to ask for one (luckiest around late September when you also have an 8 month leading to a grand-slam 9 in October). Upgrades abound, but this is not a time to take on more than you can handle. Eight demands that you be smart, committed, and follow through even when the going gets hard. Difficult circumstances may require a tough decision. Plans (or mistakes) could be costly.

Purpose for an 8 Personal Year in Universal 8: After nine eight years of hard work, you are almost at the goal line. While you can expect any number of great rewards in job, health, social standing, even marriage, the path is still not easy. You must be on your A game. Repeated opportunities are likely to show up, advancing you in unexpected ways, albeit with extra work or family duties. Forced changes may improve your future.

Relationships: Love and money could be a problem. Expenses increase for home, family, education, or business. You want to impress, but may work too hard to enjoy the fruits. Career and personal life may conflict. You feel a need to impress higher ups. With double 8's, work tends to be exhausting, or you are often absent from home. Logical thinking is required now, rather than impulsive, overly-emotional actions.

Career: Double 8's definitely signal leadership in all areas of life, as well as work. Eight finds great success in business, corporations, financial institutions, hospitals, real estate development, or any kind of management.

Personal Challenges: Extra expenses. Reputation problems. Working two jobs. Problems with officials. Stress. Surgery, if necessary, gives good results.

If your Personal Year is 9 in 2024:

You sense this is an end of a phase. Things feel “meant to be” in this turning point year. Time seems to be moving faster. Strong feelings come and go throughout the year. Emotionally, you are starting to let go of something. You may be ready to retire, to quit a toxic job or relationship, or to say goodbye to loved one. Regrets or estrangements tend to be understood and forgiven. You are uncertain about the future, but hopeful. You crave to clear out the old, pare down. You think about out what really matters from here on out. A big change or turn of events might arise toward the end of 2024. This year requires faith, optimism, and curiosity about what lies ahead.

Purpose for a 9 Personal Year in Universal 8: You couldn't be better placed to reap rewards of all kinds. You are completing a path begun nine years ago. You know exactly what you need to finish or let go of (a bad habit or something you have outgrown or lost interest in). Expect closures or resolutions in long-standing problems or tricky issues. At times you are filled with joy, love, and a desire to give back.

Relationships: Tend to be more intense, requiring compassion, forgiveness, humility, and unconditional love. A long-standing condition, estrangement, or obstacle may be resolved. A relationship may end. If desiring to marry, wait until next year.

Career: With the powerful logic of 8 in an ending Personal year of 9, the time has come to be clear about what is not working. Achieving a lifetime goal or a huge success could quickly turn to a feeling of What's next? In general, work may involve a large investment, further training, travel or working with foreigners. You may retire, have dramatic wins and losses, or lose interest in an old subject.

Personal Challenges: With dramatic 9, challenges could be emotional. Expect a range from depression and disappointment to sorrow or loss. Loss of faith. Struggle to let go of a grudge. Feeling the effects of age.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!

Carol Adrienne

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