New! Happy 2024! Find out how the 8 Universal Year (2+0+2+4 =8) affects your own Personal Year.
This site is for you if you have any of the following questions:
"Who am I? What am I here to do?"
To discover your destiny through numerology, order your Primary Life Chart which gives you an interpretation of your talents, possible careers, and deepest desires. My 28-page time-tested, accurate Primary Life Chart includes a detailed twelve-month Forecast for the current year.
"Where am I going? What's next?"
Two-year Extended Forecasts keep you informed as to the best months each year for making career changes, moving, traveling, buying or selling property, getting married, and other life transitions.
Please note: Carol has retired from her consulting and coaching practice.
However, you may still order all Carol's numerology charts online, and they will be delivered immediately after payment clears on PayPal. Thanks!
“My mission is to help you take your life purpose to the next stage on the Path". |